I start with praise so that I can hear the Holy Spirit:
Praise the Lord, all ye nations.
Praise the Lord, ye heavenly hosts.
Praise the Lord, all ye children.
Praise the Lord, ye earth below.
The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Behold the Lamb of God Who comes to take away the sin of the world. He is waiting to come again. My holy children, I call on you to prepare a place for Him. Prepare hearts to receive Him. All shall know who He is but I long for many to know Him. I desire a great welcoming party at His arrival. There shall be a great harvest of souls that will have repercussions for years to come.
People are looking for answers.
People are looking for healing.
People are looking for provision. My children, I am the answer they are looking for. Point to Me. Point to Me.
Say, "Here is your Provision. Here is your Heavenly Salvation and Love. He hears all. He knows all and He always takes care of His children.
My response: Lord, we need to know this first before we can proclaim it. (Because of my own financial and other needs.)
His answer: My daughter, stop looking at your earthly circumstances. For with one swift move of my hand I will wipe away their monetary system. Then what shall they do?
My response: Thank you, Dad. I put my hope and trust in You, even when I don't feel like it.
His answer: Share this (message) tonight, My Love.