collapse of churches (2/18) In my dream, I saw a great cathedral burning down. I then went on a guided tour (through I guess perhaps a museum), where I was shown how the world's religions fall apart. ufos (the week before 2/4) Outside my house, I saw drones in a formation that looked like a question mark. I rushed outside to take pictures and saw they were flying low. In this dream, also I learned that a politician was assassinated (I don't remember details). Passover (2/17) what others have said on the three days of darkness I had listened to some videos from youtuber "Rosie Lost Sheep" who also has prophetic dreams. There are several red flags for this person - sets dates, receives "revelations" attacking her critics, and is very straightforward about claiming to be a prophet. But I still listen to her because she intrigues me with weird ideas. Namely she believes that this Passover there will be 3 days of darkness, accompanied with supernatural occurrences. And Most Strangely: An old man once told me of a out of body experience he had which covered the EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS about the 3 days of darkness, down to the 144,000 coming from it, it being on Passover, and demons appearing as dead relatives trying to enter people's homes. I wrote about it here: * not everything in this dream came true, a favorable interpretation is this only means the dream is delayed. my experience I had prayed asking for confirmation of "Rosie Lost Sheep", and as I was falling asleep I was pondering what she had said. Rosie Lost Sheep cares a lot about the exact date of the Passover (seeing how there are multiple contradictory jewish calendars), and believes it is on April 8th this year (I think). Anyway, as I was falling asleep I had this false memory where she (or a different youtuber I know - Morgan@JesusIsYourOnlyHope
) said it was April 5th, and then very suddenly I had feelings associated with leaving my body - a sense of weightlessness, energy, and then motion as if i was being spun and thrown around roughly. I then had a vision of a path along the ocean. I've written a lot about what it feels like for your soul to leave your body, so I won't type an essay here repeating myself, you can see these links instead:
I don't totally know what this means, could it just be a random out of body experience? is it confirmation? Does it mean Passover is actually on April 5th? I don't know yet, hopefully I will soon.
Answering before looking at your links, sorry --
Three days of darkness is a common prophecy. In fact, it has its own wiki page. (-;
And its own movie.
Anna_Maria_Taigi 1769–1837 predicted and was later sainted RCC.
Marie-Julie Jahenny 1850–1941 "Breton Stigmatist," expanded on.
A German cult/sect wrote about it in the 40's.
I think Dmitri Dudeman might have too... or someone with similar reputation.
There have also been non-prophets suggesting it could occur if we were in a meteor field, or if a planet in an overlapping solar system blocked out our sun... or if the sun had an unexpected event....and on. Most recommend covering windows and not looking out, as though eyesight might be destroyed, (or fear overtake us).
Keep in mind that we follow our Heavenly Father, who sent His Holy Spirit to guide us daily. Humans can pull us off course, deceive, distract us from other things we should be doing (like spending quality time with extended family).
Humans naturally want to be seen as right, be respected, gain in some way or another. Christians lay down their lives for Him.
I think your observations about her are helpful. If a person is not reverent toward God, not hoping each member of the Body of Christ is drawn to Him in love... then there are character issues.