I am 21 years old. Around September 27 i had a dream where I think God was trying to tell me something but I cant tell what.
So its like i was given an assignment to do. Some other people were given this assignment as well, it was like a competition. For the life of me i cant remember what my assignment was but its like I was trying to do it and I was not making any progress, and so i began dilly dallying. Playing around and not doing it. So i was in my room and for some reason there was a ceiling fan in my room. In my actual real life room, i dont have a ceiling fan, i have standing fans. There was also a hatch in the corner of the ceiling in my room. Real life room does not have that either.
I needed to climb the wall to get to this hatch in the ceiling. I think i needed it for the assignment. But the fan was going to cut me , so my dad called what i guess were maintenance people like you have for housing dorms in college. I asked the dude on the phone if he could hold the fan for 10 minutes. I cant remember much but he started saying i would have gotten into one competition(i dont know if it was the same competition as the competition i was currently in but i dont think so), if it wasn't for some character flaw i had. He said they had been watching me for 3 years but did not invite me because they didn't like something about me. He then said there was something wrong with me. I replied and said there was nothing wrong with me.
The dream did not end there but thats the part i remember.
Please help me interpret.
The chief Judge over all the Judges would be Jesus. The girl is only 21 years old. She asked in humility for help to understand. Your words are very harsh and are more likely to make her want to drive her car into a telephone pole than attempt repentance. After slamming her, you boast on yourself with fancy titles and name dropping. Have a piece of humble pie yourself.