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11:11 Double Judgment Prophecies

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

As I start writing this, I glanced at the clock and it said 11:11 AM. How appropriate for what I am sharing today! The LORD has shown me that "11:11" means "DOUBLE JUDGMENT!"

Also, as I write this, it is with great sorrow and trepidation that is upon me from the HOLY SPIRIT! Though I have not been shown any dates or time-frames, I believe that we are close to seeing many of the things that the LORD has shown me coming to fruition.

The LORD for years has called this nation back to repentance, but instead, it has spit on HIS ways and HIS truths found in HIS WORD. As HE lifts HIS hand of protection over this land now, the judgments will continue to roll in with swift destruction.

Below are the judgments/prophecies that have been given to me which you can read more about here in my BLOG:


1) Plagues

2) Beginning of an Economic collapse

3) Beginnings of Famine

4) Judgment on the churches (they are being shut down)

5) Captivity


1) War

2) Complete Economic Collapse

3) Hype-Inflation

4) Massive earthquakes: California/New Madrid Fault

5) Electrical grid going down (possible EMP)

6) Rolling electrical 'brown outs'--power outages

7) Yellowstone erupting

8) Hoover Dam cracks

9) Orville Dam breaks

10) Earthquake/tsunami in N.Y.C.

11) Pole Shift

12) Volcanoes erupting

13) 10 Plagues of Egypt

14) 3 Days of Darkness

15) Great persecution in America

16) Alien deception

17) Brother against brother (civil war)

18) Fireballs

19) Time accelerating

20) False Wonders and Signs

21) Antichrist/False Prophet comes

22) East and West Coast Tsunamis

23) Nibiru (Planet X)

24) No Communication (cell phones down)

25) Asteroids

26) Extreme Weather

27) 5 gee

28) Zombies of the Apocalypse

29) Spying Technology

30) Cannot buy or sell

31) The Peace Plan

32) Camps

33) Radiation

34) Nephilim/Fallen angels

America, once a Christian nation, is now worse than its surrounding nations. We have followed in the footsteps of Israel and Judah and we will reap the same judgments, like it says in Jeremiah 15:2:

1) Death

2)Sword (war)

3) Starvation

4) Captivity (persecution)

These judgments are very similar to what is written about the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse from Revelation 6.

While we might see many of these things come to pass, we must remember, that during even the greatest darkness and evil, the LORD raises up a standard and will be shining HIS light even brighter on those who hunger for HIM.

These judgments will not only wake up the sleeping church, but they will also bring in a great harvest of people who will cry out to the LORD.

"And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the LORD has said, even among the survivors whom the LORD calls." Joel 2:32

While preparing for this message, I heard,


Peter 3:11; 14 answers that question perfectly:

"Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives. So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him."



"These double calamities have come upon you— who can comfort you?— ruin and destruction, famine and sword— who can console you?" Isaiah 51:19

"I will repay them double for their wickedness and their sin, because they have defiled my land with the lifeless forms of their vile images and have filled my inheritance with their detestable idols.” Jeremiah 16:18

"Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Pour her a double portion from her own cup. Revelation 18:6








Zion Will Overcome
Zion Will Overcome
May 08, 2020

Thanks for sharing that Stacey, I appreciate the encouragement.


May 08, 2020

Zion Will Overcome- I re-read your post, had to stop a few times to really absorb it- so mind boggling- wow! Last week I woke up with Atlas (meteor that's on it's way) on my mind. I too, try to convey to others all that's about to go down but their ears are plugged. My heart grieves for them!!


May 08, 2020

Zion Will Overcome- I live in Salem and watched the eclipse with my family (was a clear day). Salem means peace. While others celebrated it I felt in my spirit it was a definite harbinger of things to come. I re-read Elizabeth's post to move from the coasts and will be seeking the Lord on what to do. Bless you


Zion Will Overcome
Zion Will Overcome
May 08, 2020

Hi Elizabeth, thank you for sharing this, I was asking for confirmations of this message that JESUS gave me the other day. I'm going to share it here, and maybe it will speak to someone CHRIST willing..

On May 4, 2020, a friend sent me an email sharing how him and his family were doing since covid-19. He mentioned that he is more concerned about a famine of the Word of GOD in Canada, than he is of a lack of food for the body. He said he remembered reading about such a famine in the Biblical book of Amos. I read what he sent me and was not planning on responding. But the HOLY SPIRIT kept reminding …


May 08, 2020

Thank-you for posting this. I see 11:11 and 1:11 often on the clock as well. I haven't been sure of what God's showing me. Perhaps it's to make us mindful of what's coming and to pray about it. God bless! Stacy

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