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3 Judgments identified; 3 more warnings: UK; Florida Hurricane; Supply Chain

The LORD has given me 3 more well as a MESSAGE that identifies the 3 JUDGMENT MESSAGE that I received on May 16, 2023.


1) On 4/25/23, I awoke to these words:


The LORD is, again, giving a warning that we are going to see some kind of interruption in the supply chain. Pray, and ask the LORD specifically what you should be stocking upon on, in case of an emergency.

2) On 5/5/23, I awoke to these words:


Pray for the 'war drums' to be minimized. and silenced. Also, pray for our brothers and sisters in the U.K.

3) On 5/22/23, I awoke to these words:


then I heard:


I was NOT shown if this is a 'physical' hurricane, or some sort of storm brewing in the SPIRIT REALM that will cause problems in Florida. Either way, please be praying for Florida! Hurricanes, spiritually speaking, can stand for: sudden disaster; devastation; testing; adversity; spiritual opposition; satanic activity.

Pray that the LORD will CALM the 'storm,' and STILL the waves!!!

MESSAGE: (received on 5/16/23)

This message, that I received while praying, INTENSIFIES the 3 JUDGMENTS that are coming:

"War, famine, and a financial planned collapse is on the horizon. These are the 3 judgments! These are the 3 Seals!

Prepare the best you can, and leave the rest to ME....for I will assist MY own.

Do not let fear over take you....

Do not let worry over take you!

I take care of the birds of the much more MY beloved children?

(Matthew 6:25-26) While the rest of the world runs around seeking their own provisions....MY children come to the FATHER for their help! They are at peace, for they know who they believe in. Their faith will carry them through, as they trust in ME. Though the flesh perishes, the true self remains, and will find either a home with either ME..... or with MY enemy! I long for ALL to be with ME into eternity.

Pray for those around you, that their eyes will be opened to truth, and that they would call upon ME.

I call, and call.... I knock and knock.... but few answer because they are so caught up with their daily lives, and have so much NOISE POLLUTION,....that they cannot hear MY voice. PUT AWAY YOUR DEVICES, and come, and commune with ME in the SECRET PLACE. You will then be greatly rewarded. Time will come to a close, and eternity will begin, for time will be no more. Though you finite mind cannot comprehend the concept of a timeless existence, it will be a glorious thing.....forever young, and no more corruption in your body or around you! Sin will be done away with, so there will be no more decay. The life that everyone seeks will then be found within MY KINGDOM! But it grieves ME that most won't chose it...... even though it is there at the asking!!!

For those who are mine, keep HOPE alive within yourselves.....FOR I COME SOON!

"that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the HOPE OF HIS CALLING, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come." Ephesians 1:17-21 ________________________________________ BLOG:

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1 комментарий

02 июн. 2023 г.

Stocking obviously all kind of food that can be inside water bottle there is a specific way to store on line on Preppers or survivals YouTube channel

Good water ( obviously a filter for water is essential and also the mini Sawyer is great ) All SOS medicaments there are ideas on line too SOS KIT Emergencial SOS kit Stock documents inside zip bag

I got huge back bag to carry survival items

Sorry my English isn't perfect

I'm trying help

In Brasil I plan go the hills with god's direction if there is no way to like at cities I m asking Jesus direction

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