Yesterday I had a major attack from the enemy! It was concerning someone near and dear to me and the attack was like a dagger to my heart! It reminded me of the Scripture that says to beware of satan, as he likes to shoot fiery darts to GOD's people!
"above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one." Ephesians 6:16
I felt as if I had been 'gut punched' and could barely regain my breath or composure. As the day went on, this only increased, as the 'words' spoken against me only got louder and louder in my head.
By night fall, I realized how I was being harassed and attacked by the enemy. He had me firm in his grip and in the back of my mind, I knew his plan against me----to bring stress, anxiety, despair and sorrow into my life. His goal? To get me back into my fleshly ways of emotion, so I would stop hearing the voice of the LORD.
This has happened to me time and time again. The enemy comes and hits me hard, and I 'fall of the horse,' and stop hearing from the LORD, as I go through the trials that have been sent my way. Getting the 'victory' has required much spiritual warfare through Scripture and praying.
While feeling this heaviness of depression and dread come upon me, I also heard the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT wooing me to come into that 'secret place' with HIM. It wasn't till evening, when I was alone, that I was able to go and meet with the LORD. During that time, the attacks were getting stronger and stronger. I knew that I was in for a LONG night.
During this time, the LORD led me into doing something I rarely do at night ---singing and singing LOUDLY!!! I went to some favorite worship songs on my computer and started praising the LORD as loud and mightily has I could. I just kept on going and going......the more I sang, the more I felt the heavy blanket from the enemy lifting. Soon, joy started flooding my soul! The world started seeming dimmer and dimmer....and my love for the LORD grew stronger and stronger! By the time 1:00 am rolled around, I felt at complete peace and then slept like a baby!!
The LORD showed me that I had a 'chink' in my armor. This 'chink' was a weak spot or 'slit' in the armor that I didn't know about! I thought I was all 'suited up' and always ready for battle--however, I was mistaken! There was some 'vulnerability' or 'unknown sin' that I had allowed and this gave the enemy permission to enter. Sometimes these 'unknown sins or hidden sins' can be the 'little foxes' that can destroy the vineyard! (Song of Solomon 2:5)
These 'portals' or doors that are opened are usually unintentional. What the LORD has shown me is that there are 2 main causes of open doors: (1) sins, known or unknown, and (2) strong emotions. This is why it is so important that we examine ourselves each day to see if there be any undesirable way in us.
"Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified" 2 Corinthians 13:5
For me, it was the strong emotion that I had felt, and it 'oozed' out sadness, rejection an despair all over me. Immediately this gave permission for the enemy to pop up his ugly head into my mind, soul and heart. It was this 'foot in the door,' that started attacking my walk in the SPIRIT.
There is a wonderful principle in the WORD about how singing and praising GOD chases away the enemy. It is found in 2 Chronicles 20: 21-22, where Jehoshaphat encouraged his army not to be afraid or discouraged, but instead to praise and sing to the LORD. In doing so, the war was fought in the heavenlies and manifested in the defeating and destroying their enemy! What a great spiritual warfare tactic!!!
"You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you. As they began to sing and praise, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated." 2 Chronicles 20:21-22
Next time you are in a trial or the enemy is attacking you, start singing and praising HIM. As you sing, the heavens will open up, the angels will surround you, and your prayers will be heard. Your praises will release the power from on high and your victory will come!
"And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD." Psalms 27:6
Many years ago, I was talking with a Christian woman who struggled with ongoing depression. On that particular day, she was unable to receive and hold onto the truth of God's words (but in the past, she could). So, I asked the Lord to show me why.
At that moment, I could sense something lift off of her and I felt it fall onto me. It felt like a very heavy blanket. Then it lifted off of me and went back to her. I didn't fully understand at the time, but it was a spirit of heaviness (aka depression, despair).
And yes, it feels heavy, like a very heavy blanket. That is why it is so difficult for depressed people…
Amen ... this encourage me ... praise God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen Elizabeth. Powerful word and testimony to our Lord's faithfulness in all things. Recently while babysitting my new granddaughter the enemy came in like a flood encouraging me to hurt the baby. I was overwhelmed with horrible thoughts and terrified. I put on worship music and prayed that the demons would leave. My daughter and her family had recently bought the home. The former owner was a transvestite. I don't know what caused the horrible thoughts to come but the Lord fought for me and my beautiful granddaughter.
HI, Want to share a site with great ministry materials free to print
https://delmin.org/ministry-tools/ Prayer for my mom went well on Sat. My daughter was surprised how much she remembered after my visit. Yesterday we went to visit and she was the most talkative of us all which has been rare recently. Now praying she gets baptized in the spirit..marilee thanks for your post, we do need to humbly worship the Lord..
Arielle, that is such a awesome testimony! Don't come into agreement with the devil!!! Resist him and he will flee (James 4:7)!