On 2/6/18, I woke up to these words:
'seek first HIS kingdom and all these things shall be added to you'
I knew that this was a principle found in Bible, so that morning I looked it up in and found it in Matthew 6:33:
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
I love deciphering Scripture in order to make it more relevant to my everyday life. Sometimes breaking down the verses or outlining the main points can really help in the understanding and interpretation. So, I looked at the above Scripture and saw that it has two parts:
First, we are to seek HIS kingdom, and secondly, when we do, 'things' will be added to us. Well, that seems simple enough---or is it?
How do we seek GOD's kingdom -- or, breaking it down even further, what or where is GOD's kingdom? In just the New Testament alone, you will find the phrase 'kingdom of GOD' 359 times! If you study it, you will find a lot of different opinions and answers. Some believe HIS kingdom is coming and some think it has already arrived.
I think it can be both. While we wait for GOD to set up HIS kingdom here on earth at the end of the Great Tribulation, we can still partake in HIS spiritual kingdom now. HIS kingdom on earth is a vast spiritual life filled adventures!
For me, to seek HIS kingdom means:
--- to seek HIS face daily through prayer, reading the precious WORD, and walking in the Spirit.
--- spending quality time with HIM and taking up our crosses when we are called to. It is helping the poor, sick and needy, knowing that when we serve them, we are serving our LORD.
--- putting JESUS first, above our families, friends, hobbies and jobs and make HIM the center of our lives.
--- in everything we do, we do to HIS glory. It means being quick to confess our sins and letting go of our sorted past.
---asking the question of 'WWJD' (What Would JESUS Do) in all circumstances, knowing that we are not our own, but have been bought with a price!
If we, by HIS grace and help, can seek HIS kingdom, then HE promises that ALL THESE things will be give to you. Looking at the verses before Matthew 6:33, we can see what 'these things' are--- provision of food, water and clothing! HE will take care of our necessities because we have given HIM our all! [1]
In life, many of us come to those 'crossroads' where we take that leap of faith and surrender everything to HIM. It is in those times that we will know that HE is truly there to catch us and then carry and lead us in the rest of our journey!
[1] “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble" Matthew 6:31-34