"I am preparing the safe havens now. They will be sanctuaries, set apart for ME. I will live among them. I will show them what to do each step of the way.
Do not hesitate when you hear MY voice. Act on it immediately! Do not turn back like LOT's wife -- you know her fate!
All who come to ME I will in no way cast out. I will hear the prayers of MY true children and I will be their GOD. Come now and let us reason together, though your sins are like scarlet, they will be white as snow! I will erase the tears from your eyes and you will find safety under MY tabernacle.'
"For in the time of troubleHe shall hide me in His pavilion;In the secret place of His tabernacleHe shall hide me;He shall set me high upon a rock."
Shalom fellow believers. While some of us will be led to safe havens, there are others who will be used outside of the safe havens. I keep hearing in the my spirit and prayers to Prepare! My prayer for all believers is to do just that. Prepare, seek Father Yahuah for leading in how to prepare and what your assignment may be. In all things remembering whom it is we serve and trust. Covered in the Blood of Yahushua Ha Mashiach and led by His Spirit. Asking that we may receive, seeking that we may find and knocking on the door that it should be opened to us. Never forgetting who we are in and through HIM. In Yahus…
Dean Lewis
24 de nov. de 2021
16 de jul. de 2021
Hi guys, my names Kent. Live with my wife and 5 kids in Texas. Is there any safe havens near the DFW area?
I'm willing to rent if possible. judgements are speeding up fast. my email is below.
18 de jul. de 2021
Respondendo a
Great reply to the Christian seeking a safe Haven in Dallas area. I would like to add that there are several truthers in that area (jonathon kleck, amazing prophecies) and joining a forum there or emailing them directly about knowing of any SHs might create some kind of network…. and finding a SH location.
14 de jul. de 2021
I haven't found any safe havens for anyone in Wisconsin.... I can't find safe havens on this website... Where are they located?
Shalom fellow believers. While some of us will be led to safe havens, there are others who will be used outside of the safe havens. I keep hearing in the my spirit and prayers to Prepare! My prayer for all believers is to do just that. Prepare, seek Father Yahuah for leading in how to prepare and what your assignment may be. In all things remembering whom it is we serve and trust. Covered in the Blood of Yahushua Ha Mashiach and led by His Spirit. Asking that we may receive, seeking that we may find and knocking on the door that it should be opened to us. Never forgetting who we are in and through HIM. In Yahus…
Hi guys, my names Kent. Live with my wife and 5 kids in Texas. Is there any safe havens near the DFW area?
I'm willing to rent if possible. judgements are speeding up fast. my email is below.
I haven't found any safe havens for anyone in Wisconsin.... I can't find safe havens on this website... Where are they located?