Brothers and Sisters,
I have just started another forum so people can start connecting with one another with like-minded believers in the name of JESUS!
The purpose of this forum is to CONNECT with one another in whatever way the LORD leads. It is your platform to talk about whatever is on your mind, as long as it does not go against what the WORD of GOD says!
The goal is that the LORD starts connecting HIS people in a more tangible way. I don't believe that the churches are doing their job of uniting HIS people to prepare for these end days. However, HE is raising up a remnant for such a time as this!
Feel free to share how you are preparing both physically and spiritually for these last days and the lessons that you are learning! We all can learn from one another!
May the LORD use this forum as HIS children gather together!
In HIS Service,
Elizabeth Marie
The Power of the blood . Sorry typo error. Nz
Shalom from New Zealand o have just received a book prompted by the holy spirit to read it's called The power if the blood by H .A. Maxwell Whyte we need to have a greater understanding of the blood of Yeshua and how to plead the blood in these last days as Elizabeth said the world is not ready to cope with what is coming . We need to be ready with understanding of the word of God and putting on the whole armor if God daily and having done this stand your ground and pray and equipt the saints. My people perish for lack of knowledge and vision . Get this book and cover your self with psalm…