The LORD has given me a DOUBLE WARNING! The warning is doubled because my husband received the same dream with different details. The sharing of the same dreams has only happened one other time, with a warning of Russia (bear dream), which you can read HERE
1st Dream:
In my dream that I had on June 28th, 2018 , I was on a bus with a group of people that I belonged to. It seemed to be my church family that I was traveling with.
We were hungry, so the bus pulled into this huge complex of buildings. One of the buildings seemed like an intuitionalized cafeteria. After exiting the bus, we all went and stood in line to get our food. What seemed like forever, my turn finally came up and I was about to receive my food, which, in the dream, was referred to as 'meat.'
The cafeteria workers then informed me that they did not have my 'meat' portion, because it was given to my bus group as a whole. So I was then told to go outside and find my group, who should have my meal.
So, I went outside and saw these long white table where people where sitting to eat. It was very crowded, so I had to look for the group that I had come with. Once I found them, I was relieved, because I was VERY hungry at this point. When I approached them and asked them for my food, they told me that there wasn't any for me and I would have to go back to the cafeteria to see if they would give me an 'extra' meal.
I was beginning to become agitated and upset, realizing that I was truly getting the 'run around' approach from everyone, but because I was so hungry, I went back inside to the cafeteria. I then approached a couple of the workers and told them what happened, and could they please spare me some 'meat.' Without even blinking, they resounded with a large "NO!"
Now, at this point, I felt in total despair, and knew that I was on my own and had to fend for myself. I decided to leave this building complex and venture out alone. I went outside to the front hoping to see other businesses and restaurants along the street. However, to my dismay, when I looked past the building complex, all I saw was a desert wilderness. I then knew that I was in the middle of 'nowhere' and I was stuck becausethere was no where for me to go. I felt extremely trapped and helpless.
2nd Dream:
On July 6th, 2018, my husband dream was almost the same but had a few more details to it. He, too, was in a large industrial building complex. His dream started on the top floor where he was shown some mattresses for sale. Then he went downstairs to a huge cafeteria to get some food because he was hungry. However, like in my dream, he was denied and refused any food from the cafeteria workers. It was then that he went outside and saw the whole parking lot completely flooded, so he was forced to go back inside. In the next scene, he finds himself underneath the building complex in a sophisticated, highly technical underground tunnel system. END OF DREAM
I was shown by the HOLY SPIRIT that the dreams had a physical as well as spiritual meaning:
In the physical, it is pretty obvious that these dream could stand for some sort of detention camp, perhaps, even a FEMA Camp.
--the mattresses stood for sleeping quarters
--the cafeteria represents where food will be rationed out and controlled
--the flood in the parking lot stands for a disaster that happened and that is why we were at the camp.
--the highly technical underground tunnel system represents the network underground government facility that is controlling the camp
--not being able to leave because it was in the desert/wilderness reminds me of what it might be like after some sort of disaster that strikes---there is no other place to go. People will go to these places with a promise of provision and safety, only to find out later, that their care is being withheld. This is why it is so important for us to be prepared for any kind of disaster that may happen, so we don't have to depend on the any government institutions.
Spiritually, the LORD showed me that in my dream, I was desperately looking for the 'meat' which represents the 'meat of the WORD,' but I could not find any. This could represent going to a church that does not 'serve' the proper nutrition to its congregation, therefore, they go hungry, looking for 'meat' that will feed their souls and spirits.
These churches have become institutionalized, rigid, legalistic, and following protocol instead of the SPIRIT. Instead of teaching the true WORD of GOD, they are feeding the people watered-down pabulum, that only 'feeds the flesh' and 'tickles the ears.' (2 Timothy 4:3)
In Amos 8:11 it talks about that in the last days there will a 'famine' for the WORD of GOD:
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD"
This famine for the WORD of GOD will be in the form of false teachings, false prophesies and false signs and wonders. MANY will be deceived by these churches that know serve the HARLOT of Revelation 17. Without even knowing it, people will be serving a false JESUS, thereby falling away from the true LORD. This will fulfill the great apostasy of the last days:
"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition"
2 Thessalonians 2:3
JESUS, in Matthew 24:24, even warns of how even the elect could possibly be deceived by false prophets as well as false signs and wonders.
"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24
Brothers and Sisters, let us continue to CRAVE and SATURATE ourselves with the MEAT of the WORD OF GOD, and not be satisfied with just the milk. If we study and KNOW what the WORD says, then we WILL NOT BE DECEIVED by the HARLOT CHURCH!!!
Elizabeth, thank you for realizing that this phenomenon is true. How can pastors and life-long learned Christians not believe it? You just have to open the Bible and start reading, and it's very apparent. To me, at least, and I am just a churchgoer of 30 years, not a Bible scholar.
Perhaps this is the strong delusion. I think, if Christians can't see this that the words they have been reading for years are now changed - then how will they not be deceived with the much greater lying signs and wonders of the coming antichrist?
There are many Christians who are denying that this can happen---when in fact there are DEFINITE changes now to the KJV. It is some sort of witchcraft or portals being opened by cern.
There will be a famine in the land for the Word of God because, as the passage in Amos 8: 11-12 states,"I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:
12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it."
Why would the Word of God not be able to be found? Even if there were a Bible confiscation, people could bury their Bibles, and metal detectors couldn't find them. The only reason that people will not be able…