On June 16, 2018, I received two short dreams and, then, while praying, the LORD gave me a corresponding message.
In the first dream, I was in charge of decorating a big house or banquet hall with Christmas decorations. I had boxes and boxes of decorations that needed to go up, as well as money to buy new ones. I had people helping me, as we coordinated our efforts to make a spectacular celebration for all that were to come.
End of Dream
In the second dream, there was a large box that contained electronics and instruments that were used for spying on the American people. I then heard someone say that they are packing these devices away and will dispose of them permanently. BUT then I heard another voice that said,
"No, hold on to them till the present administration is gone."
End of Dream
The LORD showed me upon awakening that both of these dreams related to the President and his administration.
In the first dream, Christmas represents Christians celebrating JESUS. While we know that Christmas has its roots in a pagan holiday, it still has also represented the Christian faith. In this dream it shows that we are still in a time where we do not have to be afraid or ashamed of celebrating our LORD and SAVIOR. There is some persecution right now in America, but this will grow and change quickly. The present administration is, for a time, holding back the tides that are so anxiously waiting to flood and silence the true Christian, prophetic voices.
My second dream is more self-explanatory. Though we all know that we are being 'spied' on from every electronic device available, we are not actively be persecuted for our faith. With the previous administration, we knew that this was the next thing coming for Christians. Now, this persecution that was coming, has been delayed for a time.
In prayer, while I was asking the LORD for further revelation, I received a message. It is important message, so I pray that you seek the LORD for proper discernment. The LORD is giving us time 'to get our houses in order.' I believe that soon we will see persecution coming to Christians. We need to be 'wise as serpents' in getting prepared for what is coming. The handwriting is on the wall, but the LORD is gracious to warn HIS people in advance.
Here is the word I heard:
"He (the President) is being used to hold back the tide of what comes next.
He is MY hammer, and he will get the job done that I have purposed for him to do. (a few months ago, I heard that 'word' from the LORD: ' HE IS MY HAMMER -- he is a tool in the LORD's hands to accomplish HIS will)
All naysayers will drop by the side of the road, one by one, as he moves forward, fulfilling my prophecies. (In my spirit, I feel that Trump will be instrumental in bringing 2 prophetic prophecies: 1) the peace agreement, which starts the 7 year prophetic, countdown time clock; 2) the 3rd Temple.)
This has been a time of delay has it not? Delay of war. Delay of persecution for MY people. The truth is before you, but many refuse to see. They have listened to the lies of the enemy as he whispers in their ears.
I heard the cries of MY people and I answered by giving them more time to getting their houses in order.
This (delay) will come to a close and will SNAP shut suddenly! (I then saw an alligator shut his mouth violently, as the destruction that comes will be swift).
MY mercy is here so more can come into MY KINGDOM to receive MY salvation. Bring more wheat into the storehouses before it is cut down and trampled on by the enemy.
I have granted the desires of your heart.....have I not? Respond in kind, by serving ME NOW with all of your hearts. The time has come to put away childish things and to STAND FIRM on MY WORD!
STAND UP FOR ME and DECLARE ME TO THE NATIONS while you still can!
This is MY gift to you ..... MORE TIME!
I was then led to Psalms 42
Isaiah 58:9
"So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him."
Matthew 10:16
“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."
Daniel 5:24-25
Then the fingers of the hand were sent from Him, and this writing was written.
“And this is the inscription that was written:
Matthew 25:10
"And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut."
I also had a vision of a crocod9e. It was huge run up an enbankment out of the waters edge snapping his mouth shut he had something in it he stopped at the woman all in whiteand just stood ttherei saw this from about 40 ft away i think there was also a man on the left of the woman .Also there was a tall palm tree in front ofthem towards the left a bit.The woman just stared at the crocodile who had stopped running towards her and just stood there i dismissed it until i read this also i dreamed of the exact same door elizabeth used in her other post and i hadnot seen the post yet i…
Thank you so mush for sharing your dream! Sounds like the spying will continue. The corrupt won't stop hating him, but he will clean them out! Cor 1:27 comes to mind, Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. My dream is in agreement...Doesnt seem like Z3news likes Trump in my opinion.