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Writer's pictureElizabeth

DREAM WARNING: Solar Eclipse & Economic Woes

I posted this in my APRIL NEWSLETTER....however, the LORD has prompted me to put out this out in my BLOG and YOUTUBE VIDEO as well.....since it is another warning:


On 4/8/24, the same morning of the GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE, I had a dream.  In this dream, I was at a seaside resort next to the ocean.  I was looking for a place to grab lunch, or a sandwich.  I went into the first place, and noticed that there no people.....or waitresses....even though it seemed open.  I thought that was I left, and went into another restaurant.....but they also were void of people, or any kind of service. 


In the next scene, I found myself going up and down the beach boardwalk, trying to find a place to eat. Every restaurant I went into all were open, but deserted! 


Then, as I came out of one of the restaurants, I noticed that it was getting dark.....which I thought was strange, since it was in the middle of the day! I looked up into the sky, and saw the SOLAR ECLIPSE actually happening......the moon had covered the sun, and it got very dark, very quickly. After a few minutes, I started to see daytime return.....then I woke up.



The SOLAR ECLIPSE on 4/8/24, had so many signs, meanings, omens, and warnings surrounding it.   However, most people thought it was something to celebrate, as well as party.  Few understood that it was an ominous sign, and a harbinger, of things to come, especially upon AMERICA.


Solar Eclipses, like the one that we just had, often points to WAR.....but, I believe, because of my dream, it also points to a SEVERE ECONOMIC DOWN TURN OR COLLAPSE that has already started. This means extreme inflation, which will affect our everyday lives going out to eat in restaurants!

Just recently, I have been seeing that this is actually beginning to happen! In the news, there have been many businesses announcing that they are closing.....not only restaurants, but even banks!

Here is one article that actually talks about some restaurants struggling to stay open, and others that are starting to close:

I have been shown through dreams, visions, and messages that this is just one part of the JUDGMENTS that the LORD will allow. It is part of the SHAKING to AWAKEN people to turn back to the LORD. During this time, many people will exchange their 'SELF SUFFICIENCY ' into 'TRUSTING IN THE LORD' instead..... for all their needs!


I am reminded over, and over again, on how our LORD is so merciful, long-suffering, and patient during times of distress! HE is faithful to WARN HIS people, so that they can prepare as best as they we have FAITH, and TRUST in HIM for all things!!

Let us never forget:



"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Matthew 6:31-33


[picture credit: pixabay]

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May 25

WARNING: The link that is posted on this page is UNSECURE. When I clicked on it, my computer froze and at the URL, it said that it was an unsecue webpage. The only way I could regain control of my computer was to close the internet and start over.

One option is to list the actual URL so people can copy and paste it if they want to go to that page (instead of creating a link to the page). That reduces the likelihood that the link itself can cause problems. Even so, we need to be careful about clicking on links.

May 26
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Strong, I am so sorry about that....however, for me it works just fine, with no problems. It is a website that I have gone to many times before. However, like any link, please use caution!

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