On 9/30/21, in the middle of the night, I woke up to these words:
I was then reminded of the dream that I received on September 8th, 2021, about an ATTACK on several cities in the U.S. :
I believe that this prophetic 'word' I received, and the prophetic dream are confirmations to each other, and are related. I was not given a time-frame, however, in the dream, the first attack was on the east coast.
So, this is another HEADS-UP to be praying against the plans, schemes and assignments of the enemy!
MESSAGE: (received on 9/23/21)
"MY GLORY will be revealed. Some will reject it, and choose not to see it. Some will embrace it, and bask in its sunshine. For the darkness can not extinguish MY GLORY!
I AM the ruler and CREATOR of the earth, and every knee shall ultimately bow down to ME. I am the MASTER POTTER, and I created the earth and all that is within.
Man does not hold its own destiny.....I do! They have been deceived by satan in thinking they are in control and have the final say! NO, I tell you! They listen to lies! They will wake up on the lake of fires for choosing to believe in themselves and not ME!
Heaven is real, but so are the fires of eternity! Do not fear death, but fear what comes after.
The fear of the LORD is only the beginning of wisdom! Once you believe, a whole new world will open up, and you will start walking in faith. Your eyes will be opened, and you will hear from ME. It only takes a ounce of faith, and the doors will open!!
Do not be stubborn, but open yourself to ME, and I will draw near to you. I will show you MY ways, and you will have MY peace.
I await with open arms to embrace you with MY LOVE! I love you with an everlasting love!
Come into MY fold, and be a part of ME!
We will be one, as I am one with he FATHER OF ALL CREATION!
"There is a way that seems right to man, but its end it the way to death. Proverbs 14:12
"Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you,unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]
The Pharisees also found fault in everything that was taught inventor sales. So, God expects us just as sister Elizabeth does, to pray for ourselves what is brought forward that God shows and speaks to her
If shed light upon Marie message video next message latter admonish "Sitting on the fence ( = indecision )" indecision was why demon king baal was ousted out of heaven, baal did not join evil or good angels, so was judged as indecision John 12:43 "For the most part, indecision ( sitting on fence ) shows a lack of willingness to commit to absolute principles and to speak up for those principles. In that sense, indecision is a weakness". Some people today believe earth is flat. Some Christians remnant of ancient days believe this is the only planet creation on all other planets there is no life intelligence ( intelligence 666 REVELATION 13:18 6 charka ) even having anointment Holy…