MESSAGE: March 16, 2018
MY rapture comes soon! It is right around the corner--declare it from the roof tops.....sound the alarm--this is the time! Soon no more suffering or pain!
I am on the horizon. I will rescue MY BRIDE from the horror that comes upon the whole world. You will not be here, as you will be safely tucked away under MY wings as a mother gather her chicks, so I gather my BELOVEDS. (There will still be some trials and tribulations till that day).
The Song of Solomon is a picture of love for MY BRIDE. It is an allegory. Springtime is a good time for a wedding, is it not?
Get ready and start planning for this wedding -- there is much that needs to be done! (This is in reference to our assignments that each one of us has to do).
The buying your gown was costly -- it cost me MY life so you could dressed in MY righteousness. Do not allow any spots or stains on it. Keep it pure and ready for the wedding day.
Do you believe I am coming soon? Do you doubt? These are thoughts from the enemy that wants to keep you in despair. Don't listen to his discouraging words! He is a nobody and a busybody that has no place in MY children's lives. Rebuke him and he will flee!
I have given you all power over the enemy, but you don't use it! Now is the time to use it!!!
Seek ME now while I can still be found. Keep your lamps lit and stay awake....
Your bridegroom comes.....
Yesterday after prayers YahuShua said out loud to me....."you will be gone by the end of the week."
I know Yah's voice, but I said back to Him....I am glad you are returning YahuShua, and I praised Him....but He has humbled me in regard to speaking about TIMING, so I pondered it for a short minute and continued onward not setting my heart upon those words, but rather keeping my heart set upon YahuShua Himself....MY FIRST AND ONLY LOVE.
BUT this morning my ipad had vanished into thin air. It was plugged in sitting at my desk. I looked through the whole house and then I went to Yah about it. I said, "YahuShua, did you take…
wow! awesome!