Upon awakening, after having a dream from the LORD, I went on my computer to look at the news and saw that Billy Graham had just died! I sat there in shock and couldn't even move! I knew this day was going to come, but didn't know when.....and today was the day!
I believe that Rev. Graham marks an important time in spiritual history, both on earth and in heaven. He was one of the LORD's biggest evangelists that has ever walked the face of the earth. His legacy will follow him into all eternity!
The reason for my shock was because of the words I heard clearly from the LORD on December 15, 2013:
"When Billy Graham dies, things are going to change quickly!"
When I received these words, Rev. Graham was in his mid-90's, so I was expecting these words to be fulfilled very soon. However, when it didn't happen around that time-frame, I had written it in my journal, and eventually forgot about it.
The dream that I received the same morning of his death now seemed possibly relevant to the word I had heard so many years ago.
In this dream, I was laying down in a beautiful large field of daisies (my favorite flower). I saw myself laying there enjoying looking at the clouds and feeling the gentle breeze around me. After awhile, I sensed something in the far distance. I sat up and saw a HUGE black bear slowly walking towards me. Since he was far away, my first reaction was just to watch him, not sensing any danger what-so-ever.
Then I noticed that he was walking a little fast, then started into a full sprint towards me! I then knew I was going to be attacked if I didn't get out of there fast. I got up and ran as fast I could into the nearby woods.
Once in the thick woods, I found a large tree and hid behind it. When the bear arrived, it ran right past me and then deep into the woods. Relieved and thankful, I came out from behind the tree and started walking back to the field of flowers that I had left. However, when I got back to the field, the flowers were no longer there and instead there was tall, thick, green grass.
At first it looked inviting, until I started to walk in it. My shoes started getting wet and I realized that it was changing into a marsh. The more I walked the marshier and muddier it got. It got harder and harder to walk, as my shoes were sticking to the mud with each step. I realized that I was in big trouble, as I got stuck in what felt like quick sand. It was then that I reached up my hands toward heaven, as if for help, and was lifted up supernaturally, almost like I was flying!
In the next scene, I found myself back to my very familiar, 'safe spot' where the white rock and beautiful river flowed.
My interpretation of this dream is the condition of the land. First, it was beautiful, serene and peaceful. I was content until the 'bear' came and chased me away. The 'bear' can stand for economic down-turn, possibly a Russian attack ..... or some sort of danger to the land. When I later tried to return to the field of daisies, it was no longer there. Instead, the land was now a swamp and uninhabitable. The 'bear's' presence upon the land had destroyed the peace and beauty that had once been.
I believe that this is a to get ready for what is coming, brothers and sisters!
The timing of this dream lines up with the word I heard from the LORD about how things will change when Billy Graham dies. I believe that his death is a 'stamp' imprinted on the very 'fabric of time '........ and only 'time' will tell if this 'word' will come true!
"For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape."
1 Thessalonians 5:3
I agree that this is definitely a marker for change. Many others have had prophetic dreams, visions and utterances that point to the rapture of the church as well. On one hand I want to leap for joy, but on the other hand I want to be cautious to stay grounded and in prayer. I am easily excitable and I tend to hyper focus on things which is probably why the Lord has never given me a dream of rapture or heaven. HE has a hard enough time keeping my head out of the clouds as it is!
I ran across a website the other day that truly blessed me and I would like to share it with others. It…