"Our God approaches, and HE is not silent. Fire devours everything in his way, and a great storm rages around him." Psalms 50:3
Message received on March 9, 2018:
"A storm is coming. The waves are rolling in. Darkness covers the land. The whole earth will be covered with a thick cloud. I will be in the clouds and MY glory will be with ME. The darkness will not cover MY true children. They will not be swept away by the enemies devices. They will stand on the solid rock with ME.
The ocean rages but it will not touch my true anointed. See, I have placed them into the palm of MY hands. They are engraved there and no one can snatch them out. Rejoice because you are safe under MY wings!
The tormentor comes and throws the world into chaos and confusion. He knows his time is short, therefore his fury is great. He unleashes great wrath upon the world: war, pestilence, and destruction is his game, as his minions work tirelessly for him. Their plans are set and advancing. The world is clueless as to what he has in store for them. They do his bidding without knowing who they serve. Their time will be cut short, as he turns on his own servants and devours them.
The path that lies ahead is marked accordingly, one to true life with ME and one with unspeakable anguish and pain. Pray for the fog to lift so people can choose the right path to ME.
I speak not on MY own accord, but in the authority of the FATHER. HE alone is GOD and there is no other. HE is the one true GOD, MAKER of everything. Do not question HIM, only obey for this is the only true way.
Tell the people to fly under the radar and to be wise as serpents but gentle as doves. These times are treacherous --let me guide you through these stormy waters. This calls for much perseverance, faith and trust.
Do MY people have what it takes to walk to the straight and narrow path? Call out to ME and I will help you navigate through all of it.
I love you MY children, with an everlasting love."