After praying and presenting my requests before the LORD, I then asked HIM if there was anything HE wanted to show me or say. I immediately saw HIS robe and knew that HE was going to show me something.
In a flash, I was high above the earth and saw the white, puffy, clouds floating below me. Once in awhile I saw a break in the clouds and could see land below. I sensed that JESUS as there with me. I then heard these words:
"I see all the dealings of man. Nothing is hidden."
As the clouds got fewer and fewer, I started focusing down below and saw what looked like a quaint village. What stood out was a steeple of a church at the edge of the town.
I then found myself on the cobble streets of this town walking. In my spirit, I knew that it was a European town. Switzerland came to my mind. As I was walking, I noticed that it was present day, with people hustling as they went about their business. I knew that my destination was the church at the end of the street. As I got closer to the church, I heard the LORD speaking to me:
Here is what I heard:
"This church is a house of demons. I no longer dwell here . They have shut me out completely. The land is desolate spiritually and so shall your land be if they do not turn back to ME. The demons have taken over this town....and the next town.....and the next. It is spreading like gangrene. Pray for it to stop so it does not spread like this all over the United States.
This is what is on my mind right now. This is the condition of the world today. Apostasy is growing. Christians are becoming heathens.
Soon there will be no one who will call upon MY name unless I step in......and that is what I am going to do! I am going to step in and change the course of this world. Watch and see what I will do. You will be amazed! Are you ready for it, because it will come!
Then, HE talked directly to me:
JESUS: Do you know how much I love you ?
ME: Yes, LORD, but why so many trials and few blessings?
JESUS: These trials are your blessings.....one day you will understand more!
I was then led to Psalms 84.
This message not only points to how the church is being eliminated step by step, in country after country, but also to something that will 'shake' the church out of her complacency. It will also bring in the 'new wine' and 'latter-rain' harvest. What is needed is repentance from the paganism, witchcraft, idolatry and the rebellion that has seeped in! Pray for the lukewarm bride will be brought back to her GROOM!
"Then He taught, saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations'?But you have made it a ‘den of thieves." Mark 11:17
I am ready! Let's do this!
Excellent word Elizabeth. Evil has found an entrance into the church. I believe God is rising to claim what is his and to bring us back to a place of holiness. God bless you sister.