I received this message on October 10, 2018:
"Walk the narrow path of salvation. I will help you. I will protect you. Stay strong in ME. In your weakness I will be strong. Keep telling them I am coming son, lest they grow weary and forget.
Woe to those who do not heed MY written WORD. They make up their own doctrine to please MY lukewarm church. The deception is great now and many of MY children are now lost. They have fallen in the snares that were laid for them. They have fallen into a pit of lies, deception and manipulation. I have sent them life-lines, but they do not listen to the right voices. They look to others to hear MY voice instead of ME and MY WORD.
Their snare is that they love man more than ME. The only man they should go through is ME -- I am their intercessor. I am the link to the FATHER.....not pastors, priests or prophets.
Where is the relationship between us? Do you have a 'stand-in' for your spouse? Why then do you listen to others on MY behalf, instead of ME directly? I feel ignored and slighted. MY people are in love with the institutionalized Christianity, and not to the person of CHRIST!
Wake up from your slumber and return to ME personally! Together we will fellowship with one another, and I will show you the mysteries of the universe. Come back to your one true love, the only TRUE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD! "
"SLIGHTED" ( Cambridge-English Dictionary) :
--"feel insulted because someone has done or said something that shows that they think you are not important"
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus" 1Timothy 2:5
"The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe. Psalms 29:5'
'He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. '
Matthew 13:12
This is a very good and timely word to the body. Many have taken their eyes off the Lord and looked to leaders for the answer and have also been distracted from the Lord and his word by all that is in the news media, sports and even daily living. Jesus must be #1 and Lord of all. Lets get back to spending quality time in prayer and in God's word the bible. He is Lord, He is the answer and out only hope.