I received this MESSAGE on July 11, 2018. It was confirmation on what the LORD had shown a brother in CHRIST! PRAISE THE LORD that HE is speaking to HIS children in these last days!!! (Acts 2:17)
"The turmoil of the end is being held back until MY people are in position and ready. Slowly some are awakening to the times we are in and are hearing MY instructions. This is a good thing! I long for all MY children to come out of their slumber and WAKE UP to the truth of these last days.
"Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you." Revelation 3:3
I now go to build a place for them, that where I am they will be also. (John 14:2-3) That time will be coming --- do not let anyone tell you otherwise.
I reveal MY true self only to those who are truly seeking ME. I ask MY people to spend more time with ME, for it is there that they will find strength for the upcoming days.
The stage is set, for the play that is about to begin. It will be according to MY WORD. It is the unraveling of time and everything comes to a close. MY people will see many things that they didn't know was possible.
Just as satan's evil deeds will come to light, so will MY MIGHTY POWER! Just as satan will perform many false miracles, (Revelation 13:13), I will perform even greater miracles. He will try to 'out perform' ME, but his efforts will be thwarted after a period of time.
MY people, the 'mark' is already here. Though the outward manifestation is being held back for a time, the spiritual 'mark' is already here. The mark is what you think (head) and what you do (hands), and is already imprinted on those who have given their hearts to another, mainly satan.
"It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads." Revelation 13:6
I have sealed MY children to redemption and there is no one who can snatch them out of MY hands. However, MY children must be OVERCOMERS to the end to see the fulfillment of their destination. (Revelation 2:11)
What you think and what you do reflects the spiritual aspect of the 'mark.' So, dear ones, check yourselves and make sure you are still of the faith!
Remember that the spiritual and the physical go hand in hand - they are not separate.
Seek to see in the SPIRIT, so you can discern all things. This is MY prayer for you, as the times are deceitful.....and seek, also, to know the truth, that you may abound in MY knowledge.
AND, lastly, LOVE ONE ANOTHER form the hearts, for without love, all shall perish.
Yours truly,
I then asked the LORD, if there was anything else, and I heard this:
"People are reading their Bible with carnal eyes. Pray that you can read in the SPIRIT and not your flesh, then you will see the correct interpretation.'