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message: persecution & martyrdom

Writer: ElizabethElizabeth

I received this sobering message on August 18, 2018:

Tell them I am coming soon and that MY recompense with with ME.

( I keep hearing this over and over again from the LORD).

The earth is divided right now -- good from evil -- more than ever before. People have chosen their sides. Now the true battle begins. As the battle rages in heaven, so it will now manifest itself on earth.

This battle is at your doorsteps now. What will you do? How will you react? Will you stand up for ME, Your Savior, or will you shrink back? Will you have courage, or go and hide?

Great persecution is now on the horizon, and in your spirits you know that this is true. I warn so you can get your heart prepared for what is coming.

My true children will gladly die for ME, as I died for them. Not all will be martyred, but only those who I have chosen for this great sacrifice and privilege. Others I have called to safe places for a time.

Your time for comforts will be coming to a close soon. Do not take anything for granted now, because soon you will do without.

My children hear MY voice in this hour. Seek ME, so that I can give you comfort and courage.

I am never more than a prayer away,



I then asked the LORD if there was anything more that HE would like to share and I heard this:

"This persecution prepares MY BRIDE to become HOLY. She will be cleansed and washed in the BLOOD."

"Those who love their lives, will lose them, and those who lose their lives will live." (John 12:25)

After the message, the LORD gave me these two chapters:

Psalms 124:

Psalms 72:

Scriptures on the Martyrdom Of The Saints:

Youtube video:



Sep 02, 2018

From YahuShua Our Lord and Savior spoken to you this day: 

Indeed, there is nothing new under the sun...

For as My people refused Me in all times past, 

With a stiff arm and an outstretched neck, 

With their foreheads hardened and their 

Hearts calloused, so it is even to this day...

your servant of the 144 called by The Father on 12/7/2010 sealed by Gabriel on 4/4/2013 Joanna.


Unknown member
Aug 19, 2018

Thank you for your stand for truth by sharing this God word. He always gives His people a heads up to what is coming and what we're going to face. We just need to keep our ears and hearts open and be obedient to Him.

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