On the night of July 5th, all night along, while sleeping, I kept hearing over and over again,
I then heard the tune from the lullaby, 'Rock-a-bye baby,' which was an old Mother Goose rhyme and melody dating back to 1765. The lyrics are far from pleasant:
"Rock-a- bye Baby
On the Tree Top,
When the Wind blows
The cradle will rock
When the cradle rocks
The baby will fall,
and down will come Baby,
Cradle and all."
I believe that the LORD was showing me, again, the state of the church today and how it is about to topple, or 'fall,' as the rhymes goes. It is in the process of falling now and morphing into the Harlot Church.
Each denomination, one by one, has fallen into the ecumenical movement of unity first and foremost. What happened on October 31, 2017 was very alarming and should be a red flag for every true believer in JESUS CHRIST to 'Come out of Babylon, lest you partake in her sins. ' (Revelation 18:4) You can read what happened on that date HERE and HERE
After waking up and writing down what I heard, I then heard these words clearly:
'Rock-a-bye Church,
the Church is sleeping,
WAKE UP to everlasting life
or choose everlasting slumber.'
Just as the 'wind' knocks down the baby from the tree in the nursery rhyme, so the HOLY SPIRIT will shake up HIS church and allow it to fall through judgment. As we know, judgment begins with the household of GOD. (1 Peter 4:17)
The LORD JESUS will be removing HIS lampstands from these churches and placing them in places where HE can dwell in the truth of HIS WORD. It will be 'out' with the old and 'in' with the new!
HE is doing a new thing in these last days......look for it!
“Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent. Revelation 2:4
Lydia, I am so sorry that I did not reply! I just saw your question today! I will email you the answer sometime today, LORD willing!
Hey Elizabeth,
Could you give more detail about what those churches look like that your friends are going to? I am so sorry that your friends are following the harlot.
Hi Lydia! Good to see you, dear friend! What I see is that there will be that great falling away but not as I first thought. It will be so deceiving, that the apostate church will still think that it is in good favor with the LORD, not even knowing that they have been deceived into following the harlot. I am actually seeing this occurring with some friends of mine. I have tried to warn, but to no avail. :( Those who are now going to these churches that follow the harlot, will be participating in her sins unaware.
I believe you have a mighty calling to warn about the harlot church. Every time I read something you write concerning this I get a witness in my Spirit. May God bless you and give you guidance and direction. I had a dream about a week ago where I was giving a prophetic word and I was talking about the harvest and how God is separating his people to himself and how his church will be holy and spotless but at the same time (the wheat and tares will come to maturation at the same time) there will be a falling away from the faith of many even well known ministers and they will join themselves to Islam. I…