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messages: throw away your man-made doctrine!

Writer: ElizabethElizabeth

MESSAGE: May 2018

"I come on a white horse and every eye will see ME.

Throw away your man made doctrines, for I am doing something new and never heard about. Though all is written in MY WORD, it is hidden to those who walk in their flesh and not MY SPIRIT.

The hidden prophecies in the WORD are a treasure chest of discovery for those who dare to commit to studying them. Instead, people listen to man on how these end-days will play out, instead of letting ME lead them through Scripture. Because of this they error, and will fall into the snares and pits of the enemy. This deception will lead them away from MY truth. This does not have to be, but many, stubbornly, don't listen to MY voice.

Tell My people to start memorizing MY WORD. They must hide it in their hearts. The time might come where there are no more Bibles around. Only those who have hidden it in their hearts will have the words of LIFE. Encourage them to do so!

This is a good message, but has a warning tucked away for those who will hear what the SPIRIT is saying. (AGAIN HE SAYS ) Throw away your man-made doctrines and search the Scriptures yourselves, for the truth of these matters.

Do not become deceived, but step out into MY glorious light of the TRUTH. It is there that you will be set free!"

" Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. " 2Timothy 2:15

"Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16

" Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You." Psalms 119:11


Brothers and Sisters,

A good way to start memorizing Scripture is to find verses that pertain to what you are experiencing in your life, or finding helpful verses (or promises) that will aid you in your trials and testing. I have put up some different pages that might help you in finding the right verses to memorize.

Please check out these pages and let the HOLY SPIRIT lead you to what verse HE would like for you to memorize:


-- secret place

-- wait on the LORD

-- trusting

-- finances/abundance

-- peace

-- worry/anxiety

-- spiritual warfare

-- prayer

-- fear

-- overcome/victory

-- strength

-- sleep

-- faith

-- restoration




4 ความคิดเห็น

04 ก.ค. 2561

After further study, I found out the Mandela Bible Effect is true. Satan has and is supernaturally changing the Bibles, starting with the King James Version. This is why we need to memorize passages, because the Bibles are methodically being rewritten to line up with the antichrist Beast system:


08 มิ.ย. 2561

After further study, I believe that the link I posted previously is a psyop campaign to get us to lose faith in the King James Version of the Bible: Truth Shock TV is heavily prmoting this now, and they have otherwise fantastic content. Here is that evidence: Youtube name of Bible scholar: husky394xp

Witchcraft, Mandela Effect, MOTB, & The Vatican: Part 1



05 มิ.ย. 2561

Dear Sister, You have spoken to my heart again, as I have been in anguish since the night before last, where after a few studies on Youtube made into the Mandela effect (Bible quantum changes), resulted in my having a nightmare about it.

I was in my living room and the colors on the wall changed right before my eyes...then I felt like it was demonic and cried out to Jesus to expel the demons from the house. They had a grip on me so hard the words wouldn't come out of my mouth, and I felt evil forces, and could only cry out the name of Jesus in my spirit. Then it stopped and I woke up feeling so…


Princess Reyes
Princess Reyes
05 มิ.ย. 2561

hi thank you for these message.. can i request the exact date this message received? so that when i repost it with the date of this prophecy.. thank you sister in Christ

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