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PROPHETIC DREAM: the 'TIME DELAY' will not be much longer! PREPARE!

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

I received this dream vision on May 27th, 2021, and sent it out in my Newsletter at that time. However, in the last few days, the LORD has been impressing on me that this 'DELAY,' will be over soon! The door is closing shortly for preparing for what is coming.

In my spirit, I feel that the next couple of months are crucial for the BRIDE to ready herself, both physically and spiritually.

The LORD, in HIS great MERCY and GRACE, has not only given WARNINGS, through HIS watchmen/women, but HE has provided the means necessary to prepare, for those who have heeded. Unfortunately, this has not been done on a large scale, as it should have!

DREAM VISION: Hands of Time: a DELAY

In this dream, I saw a large CLOCK hanging on the wall. On its face, there were the usual numbers around it, only had the longer MINUTE’ hand, and not the ‘hour’ hand.

I then noticed that the minute hand was pointing to the ‘2' on the clock. Suddenly, the hand started to move..... NOT forward, but BACKWARDS! It went from ‘2' back to ‘12' on the face of the clock.

INTERPRETATION: Somehow, in this dream vision, the HANDS OF TIME went BACK 10 minutes. Initially, I did not understand what the LORD was trying to show me. However, I was then reminded of what happened in the Bible to King Hezekiah. When I went back to read it...... I WAS SHOCKED!!!

In Isaiah 38:1-8, the prophet, Isaiah, prophesied to King Hezekiah that he was going to die. The King then petitioned GOD to have mercy on him, since he had been a faithful servant. The LORD heard his prayer, and granted him 15 more years. THEN the LORD gave him a SIGN of this promise:

HE moved the shadow on the SUNDIAL BACK 10 STEPS.....just like my vision of the clock be moved back 10 minutes!!

Behold, I will bring the shadow on the sundial, which has gone down with the sun on the sundial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward.” So the sun returned ten degrees on the dial by which it had gone down." Isaiah 38: 8

The interpretation that I received was that this dream vision represented a small 'DELAY' so HIS people can get ready for what is coming. We ALREADY have seen this 'DELAY,' counting forward from May 27th 2021 till now......7 months!

I believe that the LORD has been pushing back THE END,’ to give people more time to:






"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9

SO, if the LORD has GOD granted us more time to get ourselves MUCH MORE TIME do we have left? I do not know....but the ‘10 minutes,’ in my dream vision, could represent many "variables of time." In the message below, the LORD said that when the '10' is up, so will be the END OF TIME!

I believe this 'DELAY' could be in response to all those who have been praying.....because the prayers of the Saints are fruitful and effective! (James 5:16)

In SUMMARY, LET THE BRIDE NOT WASTE ONE MORE MINUTE IN PREPARING FOR THE LORD'S COMING! It is TIME to drop all our wordily endeavors, and start RUNNING in the RACE to the finish-line!!! (Acts 20:24)

  • If you have been called into FULL-TIME not delay!

  • If HE has given you an not delay!

ALSO, it is TIME to continue to:

  • Bring in the HARVEST (for we are commanded to do so!)

  • Prepare your ARK of safety

MESSAGE: (May 28, 2021)

I then sought the LORD further on this dream vision, and I received this IMPORTANT MESSAGE on May 28th, 2021:

"I am pushing back the hands of time so MY people can prepare!’ More time will be given for those to get themselves in place. Do not squander this time, but make the most of it!

Get your houses in order and ready for what is coming.

‘10' is MY perfect number. It symbolizes ‘COMPLETENESS.’ When the ‘10' is up, then all will be finished.

This is a gift I give MY children, so they can wake up, and discern the times they are in....the time of the end!

Pray for the repentance of MY children that have gone astray, and have left the path of life. They are traveling down the road to the anti-christ, thought they know it not. "Whoa" to them, if they do not wake up! They must REPENT, and I will forgive them their ways.


Time will stand still. It will be a miracle that only I can do! Your foe can only work through artificial means to replicate MY ways. I can stop the sun in its tracks. I can cause it not to shine. I can do ALL MIRACLES and have ALL POWER on the earth and heaven! [STOPPING OF THE SUN: Joshua 10: 12-14]


Look for miracles from up above, and then pray for discernment!

There will be a SHOWDOWN between the miracles of the enemy, and miracles of the ONE TRUE GOD of ABRAHAM, ISSAC and JACOB!

Just like in the days of MOSES, (Moses vs. Pharaoh's prophets) Just like in the days of ELIJAH (Elijah vs. Jezebel's false prophets)


In the wilderness, I will pour out MY LIVING WATER, and refresh, and quench the longings of MY people. No longer will they be harassed by the enemy, for they will be hidden. (Revelation 12:14)

Anticipate these miracles.....and look for MY POWER to manifest!



I was then given:

I believe that the 'SHOWDOWN,' that is spoken of in this message, means GOD's power will manifest, even as satan's control over the world advances for a short time. We can see that in Acts 2:17-21:

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,Your young men shall see visions,Your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days;And they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above And signs in the earth beneath:Blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness,And the moon into blood,Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved.’

We are getting closer and closer to that FINAL SHOWDOWN when JESUS comes!


[picture credit:]

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Phil Mandsager
Phil Mandsager
10 de jan. de 2022

Many things are lining up for Feb to be VERY tumultuous,

which would set the stage for a complete collapse by March.

On 3/22 the Georgia Guidestones will turn age 42 = 42 month Tribulation = Biden born in 42' = and the depopulation will be in full swing.

Georgia just happens to be playing for the National Title in college football.

5g will go active on 1/19 = 911

They can use those frequencies to enrage and anger people as they have shown in many movies as they will begin the food shortages and riots over food soon.

Khazakstan riots were over high fuel costs = NWO capitol of Astana

I've seen this info about Pluto going around... they…


Inventor Sale
Inventor Sale
30 de dez. de 2021

If heard others say repent later 'TIME DELAY' large CLOCK. Boy vision saw multi-face clock. Verse 'Shadow SUNDIAL BACK 10 STEPS'. Shadow = 2 dimensions, body 3 D, ghost 4 D, verse 'Overshadow thee ( body 3 D, ghost 4 D overshadow )'. Scroll 'Countdown clock 2nd coming JC'. I had vision multicolored clock, multi hands slow and faces fast milliseconds. Verse 'Temple Zeus' co god time Chronos "Throne sit abyss ponders first mystery Jah". Serpent repent not, many. Christian man my friend, we drank beer, he heard voices misquoting scripture, he sought congregations deliverance evil spirits to no avail. Thoughts ponder reality salvation false healing miracle Mary nurse hospital pills


Timothy Griess
Timothy Griess
30 de dez. de 2021

I believe this current delay we are in, is specifically so we can continue to prepare for what will be coming next year and in the years to come. Many of Gods prophets are speaking about investing in cryptocurrency -- XRP, XLM, ETN, RDD, SHIB, and others. YouTube and Z3 News are filled with these prophetic words regarding these tokens. Pray and get prepared. God gave me a dream where I put a nickle in a slot machine and won $86 million. He wan showing me how a small investment can pay off big when placed where He is showing us to invest. Seek Him.

Phil Mandsager
Phil Mandsager
10 de jan. de 2022
Respondendo a

Get in and get out with the crypto. They may take the entire internet down at some point. Food is always the best prepping item.

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