I received this message while praying on November 6th, 2019:
Things have been going as planned --- MY FATHER's plans! Not one sparrow falls that HE does not know about. As the world grows more and more chaotic, there is still a plan for MY father knows all, sees all and hears all.
All that is written must be fulfilled, that is part of this plan. The antichrist must come on the scene as well as the mark of the beast. Soon no one will be able to buy or sell, unlesss they have the mark of the enemy. Not only will they bear his mark, but they will worship it.
Their alligiance to satan will be strong and ruthless. They will band together to quickly eliminate all that do not stand with them. They will be a brutal force that will bring the onslaught that I have talked about before.
Great persecution comes, but so does great redemption. Many will be saved out of the clutches of the enemy at this time, and saved into MY KINGDOM. This will be the FINAL, FINAL harvest! The devil always overplays his hand, and his plans backfire eventually.
I am coming soon....for those who wait for ME! Look for the sign of MY imminent return in the sun, the sky and here on earth. (then I heard "MATTHEW 24).
Watch that you might be counted worthy through MY blood and righteousness. Give ME first place in your life and you will be counted worthy.
Study the Scriptures so you will know the timing of these events as they start to unfold bit by bit. Show yourself approved by knowing MY WORD, for I am in the midst of the very pages and every word written there.
Do not fret, do not worry, but trust ME in all things. Let ME hide you under MY wings.
Do not sow discord among the brethern, but show love, compassion and mercy. Freely you have received, freely give.
Your Savior,
Then I heard these 2 verses from the LORD:
"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
"“In My Father's house are many mansions;[fn] if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you" John 14:2
Then I heard:
[picture credit: pixabay.com]
EM.....I wish to tell you what a wonderful blessing to me you have been and STILL ARE. I'm in Santiago, Chile....a BETA TEST, FREE REPUBLIC ATTACKED AND BURNED AND TRASHED BY JEALOUS GLOBALISTS / EXTERNAL (NON--RESIDENT) TERRORISTS) BENT ON FORCING OUR DULY--ELECTED (CONSERVATIVE) PRESIDENT PINERA TO RESIGN..... PRECISELY SIMILAR TO EVENTS IN MY U.S. --- The only difference is this >>> our shocking violence, strikingly similar to that in "The Joker" movie with its glorification of sick / lawlessness and pure nihilism just for its own sake....("Do as thou wilst"....Luciferian Allister Crowley).....has ripped Chile apart after exactly ONE 😭 HORRIFYING MONTH !! --- And it's definitely a "trial run / beta test before doing the same thing in…