There is such a whirlwind of trauma circulating all around us right now, that it is very easy to get caught up in its drama, which brings a sense of FEAR, ANXIETY, STRESS, WORRY and HOPELESSNESS. Not only that, I do belief that we are seeing, in a spiritual sense, the SPIRIT OF WITCHCRAFT that is trying to CONTROL people through the things they read and listen to.
The LORD keeps reminded me to spend more time with HIM, and not get caught up in the WEB of DECEPTION & DISTRACTIONS that is surrounding us right now. Then I got this message on April 13, 2021, while praying, and I knew that I was not the only one getting distracted, and pulled down by the enemy.
This is an ADMONISHMENT to ESCAPE the CHAINS of DECEPTION that is pursuing the true children to GOD:
"Many of MY people have become a slave to the times they are living in. They are slaves to the news, as well as addicted! Too much information is only a overload to the senses, and harmful to your spirit. Stop feeding on evil things, and feed on ME instead!
Where have you been placing most of your attention? On ME....or on other sources? If so, then REPENT!
I am your SOURCE....I am your strength and no other! You have made an idol out of the constant news that pours forth. Consider your ways, and make sure they are for ME and not against ME. There is much truth in that "you are who you associate with!"
This is a warning from on HIGH, to keep yourself pure, and unpolluted from the world!
Do not let the cares of this world pull you down, and weigh down your very soul.
Repent and keep your eyes focused on ME, and you will reap the fruit and the benefits!
This admonishment is for all MY children who long to walk in MY ways. They have been caught up on a web of deception on so many levels, that they see it not!
Free yourself through the atonement of MY blood and repentance.
I have come to set you free, and yet you but the chains right back on!
Pray for spiritual glasses, so you can see more clearly the snares and pits that you have fallen into.
I will rescue those that call out to ME, and will place their feet soundly on the ROCK of their SALVATION.
Let today be a NEW START to a NEW LIFE with ME! Walk in MY LIGHT, and do not let the ways of darkness overtake and burden you!
Stay informed, but do not immerse yourself in the evils that are now upon the world!
Walk in MY light.....
Be a shining beacon....
A testimony to MY love & grace.
You are MY witnesses in this late hour......
There is still a lot to do be done in MY KINGDOM!
“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.
For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.
Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 24: 34-36
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]
Good to see you again, beheff!
I was so adicted internet God made my phone crash !!! I promised him I would see necessary I had donations to fix the phone I didn't even pay But I was insane about news God last He crash the phone I had two months with Him but devil uses my tenant dig to disturb me non stop like a devil barking insanely she care less I was furious Took my grave Devil is dirty But I m more close Jesus thanks your advice here
WoW! The news today is SPOOKY!!!
Many Bible prophecies have come true in the news below, the wickedness of the times is boundless!
Tesla stock rebounded today from it‘s recent fall, the lowest price it reached was on 4/30/21, 666.9!
Considering that Elon Musk owns a company that interfaces computer chips with the human brain and the internet, and will be able to implement AI, that is spooky!
The military could get an order from the President of the United States to force all its soldiers to get vaccinated!
45 dead at Jewish festival, crushed without escape!
U.S. Senate intelligence leaders say mystery illness attacks increasing!
America is running low on chicken.
Arizona prepares for the pain of water cutbacks.
I just had a dream that I was trampling on a demon and it died and the smaller demons that were with it ran off and I was also swimming in a river and crocodiles were behind but I got away and nothing hurt me, I feel like it was telling me that demons are real but we have power to trample over them and defeat them when we take courage through the Ruach, Holy Spirit. Blessings.
Almost 2hrs, 2018 Malcolm Nance, former naval intelligence counter-terrorism and intelligence officer, focusing on US dealing with Rsn deception.