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PROPHETIC MESSAGE: Exposing the Enemy's Agenda// The Overcomers' Network

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

For those who haven't already read about the new project that is being launched through Latterrain333's Ministry, please go and check it out! The LORD is working quickly, and mightily right now, as HE is doing a NEW THING within our online community.

Thanks to a dear brother, the new name for this part of the ministry is now called 'THE OVERCOMERS NETWORK. The community/prayer hubs will be now be called the REFUGE HUBS.....because they will become REFUGES in the days ahead!


"Do not be overcome by evil, but OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD." Romans 12:21

You are of God, little children, and have OVERCOME them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4
For whatever is born of God OVERCOMES the world. And this is the VICTORY THAT HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD -- OUR FAITH. 1 John 5:4

MESSAGE: (7/20/23)

Exposing the Enemy's Agenda // House of Prayer

"Just like in the day of Egypt, I made a safe place for MY people, even during the time of famine. So shall it be again! There will be safe zones (places,) much like MY GOSHENS of old. (Exodus 8:22) (Genesis 47:27)

It will be there that MY people will be care for, and nourished. Their needs will be met, and MY voice heard. I will sanctify MY people, and they will be consecrated to ME. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

They will have their eyes on the price of MY salvation, and will walk in GREAT LIGHT! (Matthew 4:16)

Many will walk in supernatural power that I will pour down from heaven. (Acts 2) Mighty miracles, and extra ordinary feats will be done to combat the enemy of their souls.

In the spiritual realm, territories will be taken back through the prayers of My Saints.

I will accomplish the will of the FATHER through MY people. They will receive their MARCHING ORDERS, and will become MY WARRIORS (in the SPIRIT)!

As the battle rages….I will raise up a standard against MY foe. (Isaiah 59:19)

I will then come with MY army of Saints behind ME, and with the SWORD of MY MOUTH, I will destroy all wickedness. (Revelation 19:15) This battle will be over almost before it even begins….for I will come in great power, like what has never been seen before.

Therefore, the spirits of wickedness know that their days are numbered. This is why they are pushing so hard with their evil agendas….in order to capture as many souls as possible, and make them prisoners destine to go into the lake of fire with them. (Revelation 20:15)

Their hatred for mankind is great…that is why them come to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10)….in hopes that people will raise up angry fists as ME, and then curse GOD. THIS IS THEIR MAIN AGENDA EXPOSED!"

(Then the message paused, and I heard, in the SPIRIT, that a pattern of satan's agenda is like with what happened with Job in the OLD TESTAMENT: satan wanted Job to CURSE GOD, because of his trials and infirmities, and thus be separated from the LORD. He wants NO ONE to be saved, therefore his main agenda, is not to go after the unbeliever, but the believer. )

“ Satan answered the Lord and said, “Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!
Job 1:9-11

Then the message continued:

"Your biggest WEAPON, in your arsenal, is to FIGHT through prayer. (Ephesians 6:18) Pray for the souls of mankind…..for all else will pass away, and be no more – but the souls of man go beyond the grave.

Where two or more are gathered, there is power in MY NAME….through prayer!! (Matthew 18:19)


“And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a HOUSE OF PRAYER.
Matthew 21:13(a)

"Or do you not know that YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19

Come together in UNITY, and agreement, and let your voices be heard all the way to the heavens. (Psalms 133:1) Bombard the heavenly places with your prayers, for they are mighty and powerful! They are a SWEET AROMA of incense to the FATHER!

Press forward, MY BELOVEDS, do not be discouraged, but encouraged…for I am there with you! With the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, you can accomplish all things within MY will for you.

The enemy advances, and the time is late, so do not delay in coming together and praying.


You have been sealed with MY HOLY SPIRIT – this is MY gift to you. HE will lead you into all the truth, and will bring you much wisdom and counsel. Seek to hear HIM daily, as it will be a comfort to you! (Ephesians 1:13-14) (John 14:26)

You are not left along…..on the contrary….there are an ARMY OF ANGELS watching over MY people!

You have the covering of MY NAME…the name that all will bow down to …the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZERETH. (Romans 14:11) Use it carefully…. Use it for MY GLORY!!!

"“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is NO OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN given among men by which we must be saved.”Acts 4:12


[picture credit:]


2 comentários

26 de jul. de 2023

My pain is In Brasil o could not find a real true Christian to do this

Very sad

In my 63 y o I will survive alone

02 de set. de 2023
Respondendo a

You are not alone. God hears your prayers and the cry of your heart. There are others. In His perfect timing, He will bring them together.

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