For more than a couple of days, the LORD keeps giving me the word:
Then on the 20th of January, 2020, while sleeping, I received a 'flash dream.' In it, I saw a computer screen that had a Youtube Channel opened on it. The banner title of the channel was "FAITH," and under it, "LESSONS on FAITH."
I then knew that I was to do a word search and Biblestudy for the word 'faith.' I believe that one of the things that the LORD was trying to tell me was not to worry about the things that are coming , but instead, to work on increasing my faith as I go through them.
As I read and studied the over 240 verses on FAITH, I could actually feel the FAITH building up inside of me! I knew that this was the BEST way to build my FAITH MUSCLES!
"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17
I was reminded what true faith is:
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not
seen. "Hebrews 11:1
The other two verse that 'spoke'to me were:
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. " 2 Timothy 1:7
"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrew 11:6
Brothers and sisters, please take the time to look up all the powerful FAITH related verses in the WORD. It will strengthen, help and give you courage for the days ahead!
I received this message on February 1,2020:
"The pangs of birth are increasing and getting closer and closer. The world is groaning as this process continues. It is a purification of MY people, and a purification of the earth.....as the old goes out and the new comes in.
These are the beginning stages of what was written in Matthew. Now is that time. There is no turning back, but only moving forward till all is fulfilled.
All is coming to fruition, and it will play out very differently than most think.
Get ready for MY truth to abound and come down like a hammer.....a hammer of judgment.....
Judgment comes upon the wayward church and then MY Wrath comes upon the unrepentant. Seek ME now so that you do not fall into either of those groups, but are faithful and true to ME alone.
Cry out to ME and I will hear and will deliver you. The times you have dreaded are upon you, but I will rescue MY own.
Do not fear, but have faith in ME to accomplish MY perfect will in your life and across the world.....the world that needs a SAVIOR....and I am that SAVIOR!"
Yeshua Hamashiach"
Since I heard the Book of Matthew in the above passage, I knew that the LORD was pointing to Matthew 24. So I went and re-read that chapter, and pulled out the main events that come in the last days:
false prophets (vs. 5;11;24)
wars (vs.6,7)
rumors of wars (vs. 6)
famines (vs. 7)
pestilences (vs. 7)
earthquakes (vs. )
persecutions of God's people (vs. 9)
betrayal (vs.10)
lawlessness (vs. 12)
unloving / apostate (vs. 12)
abomination of desolation (vs. 24)
false signs and wonders (vs.24)
In looking over that list, I was amazed to see how much of these things are actually occurring now. When we see these signs, we are watch and look, for JESUS comes soon!
"Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near." Matthew 24:32
"So you also, when you see all these things, know that it [fn] is near—at the doors! "Matthew 24:33
I enjoyed listening to you with Gods message. I've plenty of work that needs to be done now haha but true thanks to your page. Definitely no accident-thank you.
There are so many to pray for right now, but especially the Chinese Christians in the midst of Corona virus outbreak as well as intensified persecution . Am thinking of them, praying for their faith to increase during this time!
Building on that...
The records of the Babylonian exile show destruction and capture did not weaken the Hebrews' resolve.
Miracles of Daniel sprung from exile, and God worked mightily among pagan leaders.
The prophetic and literature took off-- brought us Lamentations, Ezra, Tobit, Judith, parts of Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, II Kings, Esdras and Chronicles, and more (corrections welcomed).
Also, there is evidence some did well in business during that time.
We can also take strength in past decisions we felt we made poorly, which put us into oppressive situations -- God continued to work through that! He uses everything, working toward the good of those who love Him...
Genesis 50:20
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God…
Hi again, I wanted to make one more comment to piggy back on my previous comment. I have noticed in Psalms that there is a lot of references to attributes like Wait, Trust, Fear (&Awe), Courage, Stronghold, Shield, Hide (His Tent), Shadow of Wings. I think there is a hidden message/instructions to be had for times of trouble AND for the days of tribulation. In saying that I don't believe there is a RAPTURE. He will test all of us in Fire and those who TRUST HIM & OBEY HIS WAYS as He expected those that came out of Egypt, will be those He protects. Again, go through Psalms with discernment. He will refine those in fire and 'SHO…
My interpretation only...I hope this helps or encourages others to meditate what the will of our Lord Yeshua is for us as we move forward in time.
I believe once we are spiritually reborn, we are then placed in our own spiritual wilderness (as our Lord Yeshua was placed after His immersion). There were 3 things that were mentioned while our Lord Yeshua was in the wilderness (40days):
1/shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God
2/shall not test YHWH your God
3/shall serve only YHWH your God
Therefore to simplify this message, to 'enter His rest' in 'Faith' out of the spiritual wilderness, as we are tested by 'end times…