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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth

prophetic message: pray for open doors for the safe havens

Please pray for those of us that have been called in helping the safe havens.

I received this message on May 4th, 2020:

"I will bring many to a place of milk and honey. (Leviticus 20:24) A place of plenty where your needs will be met. I will guide you supernaturally to ride out the storms of persecution that is coming. (Matthew 24:9)
You must pray to ME on bended knees.....emptying yourselves of all anxiety and sin.
Through confession, I will hear and will lead accordingly. There will be a time of waiting and a time of preparing. I will make a way where there is no way!
The journey starts now for many, as they see the door closing in their lives -- but I will open another, for I am the great DOOR OPENER for those who are MINE. (John 10:9)
Do not run ahead of ME and do your own thing out of fear. My OPEN DOOR will bring JOY and PEACE.
Come now and let ME hide you under MY wings....
It is a time to reassess your lives in ME.
It is time to anticipate moving forward with ME
It is time for great faith to rise and swell up inside of you!
Look to ME, the MORNING STAR, (Revelation 12:16), and I will lead you to your desired haven!
Remember you were chosen for such a time as this.... there are no accidents, all has been written about before the foundations of the world. It is all 'in play' now.....the beginning and the end.....AMEN
I will be coming in the clouds to rescue MY pure and blameless BRIDE,

Then I asked, "Is there anything else, dear LORD," and I heard:

I will lead and guide them one by one. It is a process, so wait on ME!

"Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,

and he brought them out of their distress.

 He stilled the storm to a whisper;

the waves of the sea were hushed.

 They were glad when it grew calm,

and he guided them to their desired haven.

 Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love

and his wonderful deeds for mankind." Psalms 107:28-31






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