1) MESSAGE: (received May 26, 2021)
"There is a driving force behind the Mark of the Beast. It is the fuel that ignites it. All will not be able to engage in commerce unless they have submitted.
For MY Beloveds that hold out, and not participated, it will be a hard road, but I will be with them every step of the way! These are MY cherished ones, who hear MY voice and obey, no matter the cost!
Humanity is at the brink -- remember the words I gave you:
Humanity is now at that edge.
So much pain and suffering is coming, but it will be isolated and hidden.
The enemy has planned it out carefully, but his ways are flawed and in error. He will trip up, and a door will remain open for righteousness to once again get a foothold. Pray for this!
Pray for righteousness to overtake the darkness! Many of MY people are in the darkness, and it grieves ME. If they do now wake from their slumber, they will be gone from MY presence. (Matthew 25:10-12)
Only those who are walking in truth and MY light will be able to abide with Me.
Call out to as many people that you can....
Call out the words of salvation....
Call out for repentance....
Call out for all to come to ME....
I am the light that will lead you out of the darkness, and to your eternal home in glory with ME.
Fight to hold on to what you have in the SPIRIT. Let no man strip you of your faith in ME. Call out and seek MY voice.
The time is now to draw closer then close to ME and our FATHER.
Come now, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow, (Isaiah 1:18)
Your servant, (Philippians 2:5-7)
I then asked our LORD if there was anything else, and I heard this:
"Remember that our FATHER is in complete control, not the enemy. The enemy comes to kill and destroy, but I will provide a BALM OF GILEAD [1] for those who look up to ME.
Do NOT give up hope....
Do NOT fall into despair......
Do NOT fall into despair....
MY SPIRIT and I are with you to lead you home.
Ponder the words of David (Book of Psalms), and let them bring you comfort."
"You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness." 1 Thess 5:5
"In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." John 1:4-5
[1]"Balm of Gilead": spiritually it represents the healing of our wounds; comfort and a soothing force. JESUS is our BALM OF GILEAD!!
(Genesis 37:25; Jeremiah 8:22; Jeremiah 46:11)
2) WORD: (received on May 5, 2021)
I received this word upon awakening:
"forehead & hand are symbolic....just like the beast and its 4 heads'
INTERPRETATION: This is in reference to Revelation 13 and the Mark. The Book of Revelation is full of symbolism, and spiritual meanings that can only be correctly interpreted with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT. I believe this 'word' means that there is not only a physical component with the mark, but it is also spiritual as well.
We know that GOD puts HIS mark on the 144,000, as well as on the righteous in Ezekiel 9:4:
"and said to him, “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.”"
These are 'spiritual marks' that the LORD anoints HIS own with. We know that satan is a counterfeit, and likes to copy the LORD's ways as a form of mockery, hence he wants to mark all of humanity as his own!
Again we can see satan copying the LORD with a mark in Deuteronomy 6:7-8. Here we see the LORD's ways of binding the Law of GOD upon the hand, and frontlets (between your eyes). This is the same place where satan wants to put his mark as seen in Revelation 13:16.
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]
"The mark of the beast is entirely spiritual and not physical. The Holy Spirit already marks those who belong to GOD through Jesus Christ."
TRUTH! Well said, God takes care of His own.
I believe the mark of the beast has a lot to do with money and all that money stands for. 666 looks very similar to $$$. Money is what rules this world system. we have to be willing to give up all that the world has to offer us for the Lord. The world offers us ego strokes, money, creature comforts, the supposed ‘good life.’ It’s all a trap. we have to be willing to die for God.
So many people are familiar with the "mark" prophecy, that some would carelessly think salvation is based on avoiding a single incident of being marked. Yours is a good reminder that Christian life is set apart for God, intentional, fully devoted in mind an deed.
7 Churches of Revelation: https://youtu.be/BE2rAX6K9s4
Just a thought and one that I have had for quite a long time. The mark of the beast is entirely spiritual and not physical. The Holy Spirit already marks those who belong to GOD through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:13-14). The reference to the forehead and hand I believe represents thought processes and handiwork that will show as either from the Lord or from satan. Those who belong to GOD have thought processes and handiwork that reflect that control, those who have taken the mark of the beast have thoughts and handiwork that clearly show the influence of satan and will stand in judgement of the individual when they come before GOD.