MESSAGE: (received while praying on April 17, 2022)
"The hour is late, though most do not believe this. Like in the DAYS OF NOAH, they will continue to eat, drink, and be merry, until the judgment falls. (Matthew 24:36-39) Only Noah was prepared, for I had spoke to HIM about what was coming, and directed him to prepare ARK for his family. He dd not hesitate but, obeyed MY commands. He was a man of GREAT FAITH, and RIGHTEOUSNESS, in a wicked and crooked society. (Hebrews 11:7)
The DAYS OF NOAH and the DAYS OF SODOM and GOMORRAH are upon you! (Luke 17:26-30) History repeats itself, but each time it gets worse:
Now the butchering of MY little ones has reached a point of ‘no return.’
The witchcraft, sorcery and rebellion is at a 'new height' on the earth.
The leading of the children into perversion has also reached 'new heights!'
Yes, there has always been evil, and wickedness, but now it has become more than PERVASIVE. I alone will come and sweep the nations clean with the fire of MY MOUTH! (Revelations 19:15)
Soon I will come, and will restore righteousness and justice! (Revelation 19:11)
MY people will rejoice! Pray for that day to come sooner than later!
I will be the FINAL VICTOR, and MY chosen ones, will also be given the victory! (Revelations 15:2)
Till then, seek PURITY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE and PEACE with one another! Cleanse yourself through MY BLOOD, and you will be whiter than snow! (Hebrews 9:14) (Isaiah 1:18)
Have FAITH, in order to move mountains, and STAND FIRMLY on MY WORD! (Matthew 17:20)
Your Journey of Life will continue into the here-after, and into all eternity.....pass the ‘TEST OF LIFE,’ and you will reign with ME!!
the One and Only MESSIAH of the world
MESSAGE: (received while praying on April 27th, 2022)
“The enemy has lulled MY people to sleep, even though they heard the alarms from MY PROPHETS, they did not heed or prepare. This will lead to great suffering for many.
The trumpet sounds, but most ignored its warning, and continued in their everyday life. They did not prepare, even though these are like the DAYS OF NOAH.
WOE to those who heard, and then walked away. (James 1:22-24) It would have been better if they hadn’t heard at all!
The path is narrow, and straight, but most have wandered far from it. The CARES OF THE WORLD, the STRESSES OF LIFE, and the ENTICEMENTS OF PLEASURES and GAIN, have lead many astray. (Luke 8:14) Some have wandered so far off, that they are no lost, and know it not.
PRAY for these wandering, lost souls.....some who are even MINE!
I call and call, but they hear ME not!!"
[I then heard JEREMIAH 13 which is a parable about a 'Linen Sash.']
“And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut." Matthew 25:6-10
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]
Whoever has ears, let them hear.
(Matthew 11:15)
After praying I received this message at 7 am on 12/16/21, I was reminded to release it now. I was praying for my family & instructions, but received a message for the body of Christ to share. Please pray to share or for understanding for you & your family. I pray this edifies, strengthens, & builds you up or to share to save a lost soul.
Lord, for your Glory alone and Your Will be done.
The following message I received:
"COME OUT OF THIS WORLD NOW. I AM speaking to my Prophets, Seers, Messangers, Scribes, Watchmen, Ambassadors…
Many people are not prepared for tribulation because they think they will be raptured away before the tribulation. That is what some church leaders are saying. Prepare for tribulation just in case those church leaders are wrong. This is the greatest tribulation on the earth, but many people are represented by the foolish virgins.
Don’t give up but ask for the deliverance. It is coming and your resistance and prayers will bring break through . It is helpful to watch the deliverance ministry at the SCOAN church in Thessalonica as they also teach on addressing the root cause of demonic strongholds and getting free. Praying for you .
I hope you are having a great night sister in Christ. I am asking for prayer tonight as I have been struggling for a long time with something in my life and I want more than anything to have this stronghold removed! I have started taking something all natural that seems to help me a lot but I know in my heart that even this would not be ok with the Lord. I pray every night for the Lord to please take this from me and completely change my heart. I know I am on the right path because of making the decision in my heart to even want to change but I don't want to change a little, I…