MESSAGE: (received while praying on 6/18/21)
(I have divided this message into 5 parts, since they deal with different topics):
"Stay true to ME in these last days. Do not fall away or backslide. Instead, push forward with our relationship. Cultivate it. Make the bonds strong between us. I am here waiting patiently for MY dear ones to come and sit beside ME. (Isaiah 1:18-20)
(I then asked the LORD JESUS what was on his mind, and I heard this):
I grieve for what is about to come upon the earth:
All is from the the hand of our foe. He is a liar, and deceiver, and is going
“IN FOR THE KILL.” He is going in for the JUGULAR OF MANKIND.
Though he has been given permission to move ahead, it will only be for a short time till I PULL THE PLUG on him. Then he will be NO MORE!
During his reign, I ask MY children to STAY HIDDEN in the inner chambers of MY heart. It is only there that you will be able to escape the enemy’s treacheries. (Isaiah 26:20-21)
Many will fall on the wayside....few will stay on the path of righteousness!
Do not worship man....nor his idols of wealth, greed, passion, lust or self. Do not worship science, other religions, medicines or worldly ways.
HAVE I NOT CALLED YOU TO BE HOLY AND SEPARATE FROM THE WORLD? Why then do you long to be like them (the unsaved), and follow their ways? Is there even a difference between you and them?? (1John 2:15-17; James 4:4)
I do not exist in fancy worldly places or churches. I exist with the humble, the poor, the lowly, the unpretentious, the unarrogant. (The Beatitudes: Matthew 5:3-12)
(I saw in the SPIRIT, a mega, rich church interior. I saw the foyer, the coffee and gift shops. THEN I saw a STABLE, an old barn and a manger. The LORD was showing me the difference between the two .......where HE dwells and doesn't dwell.)
Repent and do not follow the HARLOT......the SCARLET HARLOT that is dripping with precious stones, jewels and make-up! This is NOT where I dwell! (BABYLON THE HARLOT: Revelation 17: 3-5)
The harlot’s days are numbered, as she will be thrown into the lake of fire with her cohorts and master.
COME OUT OF BABYLON NOW, before it is too late....or you will share in her punishment! (Revelation 18:4-5)
Listen to MY commands and OBEY MY VOICE...OBEY MY WORD! Then you will be like a tree planted next to the living water of life, and you will THRIVE! (Jeremiah 17:8)
Seek ME in all things. Your days are numbered, so make the most of each one for MY SAKE!
(I then waited and heard this):
HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS is a requirement for MY KINGDOM! (Hebrews 12:14) Be separate, and put on the full garment of righteousness that has been dipped in MY BLOOD! (Romans 3:25)
DO NOT look to one another for answers – but to ME first and only! I will satisfy your needs in a dark and dying world.
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]
Yes he is going for the Jugular I believe this new thing they have come out with and they are actually selling them to businesses now on Amazon It a bracelet it is blue it says vaccinated on it and is also digital that can be scanned to show the persons vaccination record
Precursor to the mark of the beast
This is no joke this is dangerous
You cannot even get frozen dinners
I just wanted to confirm that on the very day the Lord gave you this message I received confirmation. I was placing and order for groceries. I am sick and disabled so I order online. I went to WALMART! But when I tried to place an order for delivery it would not let me buy meat, bread, eggs, peanut butter or even cheese! I then tried a pick up order. The only way you can buy all these other things IS TO GO INTO THE STORE! I took pictures and will try and include so you can see it. Get ready! There is no time to sleep.
Visited Yellowstone before and I knew it even back then that how could people be living on or near that place...
Shalom sister..here are recent words given to Wendi Lee and Dr Green..Message from Wendi Lee.. 17Jun21 17 June 21 Daughter How Father longs to have those who are mine walk with Me and talk with Me in My Heavenlies. How Father longs to see the surprise in their eyes when they are finished with their earthly work. I have the greatest plan man could never imagine and I AM Yeshua says it will happen. Keep plowing but not with furrowed brow, I will continue teaching you how. I AM feels the heartbreak of those who are alone, I do, you have to know though that I AM building you. Your faith will be soaring for I AM Yeshua will be…