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PROPHETIC MESSAGES FOR 2023: A year like no other // Birth- pangs continue // Restoration

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

On the 27th of December, I received a message, which I believed was a MESSAGE for 2023. However, a few days later, the LORD started talking to me personally about what HE wants to do in my life this year....and I wanted to share it, so that it might help, or be of some benefit to others! So, this BLOG has TWO PROPHETIC MESSAGES for this upcoming year:

MESSAGE: Birth-pangs Continue (received on 12/27/22)

“Great forces of darkness are being released. Great witchcraft is now upon the world. The days get darker, and darker, but MY GRACE and GLORY also increases at even greater rate!!! As the darkness gets greater.....MY GRACE and MERCY shines forth!

This is going to be a year like no other!

Then I heard:



Peace will be upon MY people for I will dwell in their hearts and comfort them.

War drums are beating at every corner (of the earth)....internally and abroad....physically and spiritually. There is no escaping it except under the care of MY wings.

I will hid those who come to ME.

Pestilence (also) comes in many forms and many ways now....for these sicknesses have been released upon mankind. Prayer and fasting can protect you. I will be with those who seek MY PROTECTION!

The birth-pangs will increase! (Matthew 24:8)

Judgments will fall!

Do not be surprised or taken back at what comes.

Soon I will come and with the sword of MY MOUTH, I will destroy all that satan has wrought.

Do not despair, and do not let your hearts be troubled.

Trust in ME, and I will see you through!

Comfort each other with the thoughts of MY COMING.....for it is SOON!

MY DARLINGS, know that I love you with an everlasting love!

Soon we will be together....FACE TO FACE!!



"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies." Romans 8:18-23

2nd MESSAGE: Restoration of Families

A few nights ago, I was praying personally for my family, and my husband’s family. I felt SUCH A BURDEN, and heavy MANTLE on my shoulders. I knew that it was from the HOLY SPIRIT, and that I was to do intercession for them. It was one of those ‘MOMENTS’ with the LORD, where I felt I was in the "COURTS OF HEAVEN," praying for JESUS’s intercession for me and my family!

I was reminded, how satan, has purposely set up traps and snares for the destruction of FAMILY and the FAMILY UNIT.....and many, have fallen into his trap! He sees this as one of his great foes, so he tries to destroy the family, which, ultimately destroy a productive and viable society!

After interceding, and praying, I asked the LORD if there was something HE wanted to say to me, or show me. I then heard VERY DISTINCTLY:

When I turned my Bible to that chapter, tears came....for I knew that it was the LORD speaking to me. What I heard in my spirit, as I read that chapter, is that RESTORATION was coming:

  • What had been taken away, would be returned!

  • What the enemy had meant for harm, the LORD would turn it around for good.

  • That was broken shall be repaired!

  • AND that a DOUBLE PORTION was coming!

This was the verse that JUMPED out at me:

“They will REBUILD the ancient ruins and RESTORE the places long devastated; they will RENEW the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations..” Isaiah 61:4

For those of you that have been struggling with FAMILY problems and relationships, I believe that this is the year, 2023, that the LORD was to REBUILD, RESTORE and REPAIR (Renew) them!

Our houses will be REBUILD, but this time on the FOUNDATION of the ROCK, JESUS CHRIST!

Our relationships will be RESTORED, as we FORGIVE and love one another with the LOVE OF CHRIST!

Our feelings and emotions will be REPAIRED, as we yield ourselves to the HOLY SPIRIT for HIS comfort and healing!

I then kept on reading Isaiah 61, and I read this:

“Instead of your shame you will receive a DOUBLE PORTION, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours. Isaiah 61:7

The LORD is going to take away our SHAME, and replace it with a DOUBLE PORTION. This has to do with your family....because it says a 'DOUBLE PORTION' your inheritance! Though I do not know exactly what this might look like.....I am claiming, and proclaiming it over my family! What ever blessings falls upon us.....we will be REJOICING!

The LORD then CONFIRMED this promise from Isaiah 61 to me in a HUGE way! On New Year’s Day, I heard a sermon that talked about ‘making all things new,’ and restoring what the 'locust had ‘eaten’ and taken from our lives:

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten— the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm— my great army that I sent among you.”Joel 2:25

It is another promise of RESTORATION on our families, that we can claim and proclaim from the LORD!

I then found two more verses that spoke to these same promises of RESTORATION, REPAIR and REBUILD:

"I will RESTORE David’s fallen shelter—
I will REPAIR its broken walls
and RESTORE its ruins—
and will REBUILD it as it used to be:"
Amos 9:11

“Your people will REBUILD the ancient ruins and will RAISE UP the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”
Isaiah 58:12


On 1/2/22, while praying, and continuing to seek the LORD on behalf of my family, I heard this message that I would like to share:

No longer agree with the enemy of your soul, and condemn yourself or your loved ones!

Break off the chains that are holding you captive, and rejoice of your inheritance with ME!

I bring HEALING to your open wounds!

COMFORT to your destressed soul!

And LOVE to cover you!

Seek ME now on these things, and watch what I will do!

Dry up your tears, and fret no longer....because the SAVIOR of your soul walks among you, and lives inside you!

Come all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!"

I waited a bit, and then heard this:


I have passion for MY people

I love them with an everlasting love

I am the GOOD SHEPHERD, and will MEND the broken fences, REPAIR the walls, and REVIVE MY sheep!"

“The LORD will surely COMFORT Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.” Isaiah 51:3


[picture credit:]



Inventor Sale
Inventor Sale
Jan 04, 2023

If only revelation Holy Spirit gave me I give multi meaning "God created moon sun"People have dreams visions"Moon lesser dream Sun greater vision" Moon rules dreams Sun rules visions. 1. Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining and arguing. Argue no peace of mind hellish people rise up out of their pit to persecute daily almost as this message GREAT WAR Argument GREAT PEACE Restoration. Rest not in hellish nurse hospital pills


Jan 03, 2023

The name Je-Sus was inspired by the latin roots Ge and Sus which is latin for Earth Pig or Filthy Swine, it does not have as much spiritual power as their true name, which is Yahusha, and to be more specific because some men also have that name, Yahusha Ha'Mashiach Ha'Natsarim. For more info: Know what you're praying with, test them with scriptures, make them confess that Yahusha is the son of Yahuah Elohiym and their response will tell you everything.

Jan 08, 2023
Replying to

I can personally testify to the power of the name of "Jesus." When praying "in the Spirit" (Ephesians 6: 18) with a fellow believer, my prayer began in a way I had never heard before:

"Heavenly Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ,

we approach Your throne."

Next, the Holy Spirit had me ask the Heavenly Father (in Jesus' name) to cast out a spirit of fear from the other person. And He did. Then the Holy Spirit had me ask the Heavenly Father (in Jesus' name) to heal the person of a physical illness. And He did.

In addition, I have bound demons in many different situations (in the power of Jesus' name). Especially in situations where…


Faustine M
Faustine M
Jan 03, 2023

Hi sister, wow thank you Lord for such a huuge confirmation!! I’ve been through the furnace last week due to some marital problems which made me experience perhaps the most pain I ever have, and the Lord lead me to read Job during those days. I wrote the following verses down and started proclaiming them (they also deal with restauration) :

“But if you will seek God earnestly

and plead with the Almighty,

if you are pure and upright,

even now *he will rouse himself on your behalf and restore you to your prosperous state.

Your beginnings will seem humble,

so prosperous will your future be.*” Job 8:5-7

“He will yet fill your mouth with laughter

and your lips with…


Jan 03, 2023

Hmmm.....regarding the focus on the family in this post, I am wondering if you are saying that even those that don't know Jesus, and those that have taken the vaccine are somehow magically going to be restored? I don't think so. It is up to each person regardless if they are in your family or not to repent and seek Jesus. Why should they be saved if they have not done this? Also, the bible is pretty clear about prioritizing HIM over your family.......he is our principal focus, NOT our family.


Jan 03, 2023

Perhaps the 3rd Temple, the long waited and expected 3rd Temple to be built by Jews in Jerusalem, will simply be the restoration of the Second Temple, Solomon’s Temple in the CITY OF DAVID by restoring those ancient ruins. And in doing so will avoid all political wrangling and interference from Muslims.

Biblical site where Jesus healed blind man excavated for public view: 'Affirms Scripture'


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