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prophetic warning: America's destruction BURSTS through

Writer: ElizabethElizabeth

On the 18th of October 2019, I had a PROPHETIC WARNING vision, right before falling asleep:


In this vision, I saw a car coming down a winding mountain highway. I saw that this highway was called Hwy. 111, which is a prophetic number representing 'judgment.'

As I saw this car driving down the mountain, I noticed a HUGE American flag/banner blocking its way. The flag was at least 30 feet high and 30 feet wide, as it covered the entire highway. I expected the car to come to a dead stop in front of the flag. However, instead it plowed right through, and BURST through the American flag, as if it was only made of paper. END OF DREAM


After I received the vision, I knew that it was very significant, and had an important meaning, though I had no idea what. I didn't know if it was EITHER a warning or something else. I prayed on it for days, but did not receive an interpretation. I found that quite strange and unsettling, because almost ALL the time the LORD will give me or my husband an interpretation. It wasn't until later that I realized that the LORD wanted the interpretation to come from someone else.

A few days later, I was having dinner with a dear sister in the LORD, who is also prophetic. While we were talking, I kept hearing a nudge from the HOLY SPIRIT to share the vision with her. At first I resisted, thinking that she would not know what it meant either. However, by the end of the dinner, the HOLY SPIRIT came upon me strongly to share.

As I told her the vision, I was completely taken off guard at her reaction. She was visibly upset, as tears filled her eyes, and she almost started sobbing . It took quite awhile for her to gain her composure, and tell me what she was feeling and hearing.

At this point I was confused to why she was so emotional, upset and visibly shaken.

She then told me that she saw the destruction of America, and felt the pain of what people would be feeling. The vision was a sign of something very bad coming, though she wasn't shown exactly what.

After dinner, my friend went home and told me that she started praying to receive further revelation. This is the email she then sent me:

"When I first heard the dream/vision, I thought America was going to be destroyed. I felt so overwhelmed to the point of tears coming to my eyes, and my heart beating so fast, the feeling was terrible.
Later, I was getting ready to pray, and I asked the Lord what was I feeling, I wasn't expecting an answer so quickly, but the Lord said I was experiencing extreme grief. This grief was going to be felt by most of the people in the US because someone was going to BURST in on the scene that was going to change America so much that it wouldn't be America any more. The American way (of life) was gone and there was only chaos and confusion.
I don't think this person coming on the scene is the antichrist, and I don't think it is anyone who is running for the office of the President as of right now.
Then that very night, I had a dream about Trump. In the dream I was at the White House, and I had lost my purse with my phone, credit/debit card. Security would not let me use the phone, they wanted me to get out. President Trump showed up and helped me out by giving me his phone to use to call my bank. He then told security to leave me alone. I feel that the Lord gave me that dream to let me know that, it is not the President that will be BURSTING on the scene that will change America completely, but someone else."

Brothers and sisters, my spirit confirms my friend's interpretation of my vision........ that something or someone is going to BURST through onto the American scene that is going to cause our lives to change very quickly...... and the majority of people are not ready for it!

I will never forget the look on my friend's face when I told her the vision. It was as if she was paralyzed with fear and horror. Now I know that she was only feeling what many will feel when this 'unknown' person will come and change everything.

Many believe that it will be our previous president that will come back into the White House, or will continue to have power behind the scenes. Personally, what the LORD has shown me through a dream, is that a very prominent and powerful woman, who will be instrumental in persecuting Christians, and causing them to run and hide for their very lives. I have also had a dream of seeing 'roundups' of people during the night, by what looked like the military and military trucks (though I did not which military or from what country).

The interpretation that I received concerning her dream is this:

This person who comes will be the either the next president or will control the White House somehow. Instead of security, the people will be harassed and oppressed by their own government. There will be a lack of communication, because the communication system will be affected and taken down. This could include no cell service, or electricity. We are already seeing this happen in California where they are cutting off the electrical power to millions, as well as removing the repeaters so there is no communications for the Ham operators.[1] Also, there will be no money in the banks, and that is why my friend's credit card did not work.

As 'watch-woman on the wall,' I cry out for all to repent and confess your sins to the LORD JESUS. Cry out to HIM in your time of need! If we seek JESUS, we will find HIM! HE is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to restore us to a relationship with our heavenly FATHER and CREATOR.

None of us know how much time we have left on this we must be ready at all times to face our MAKER. Make sure you are born again with the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT. Do not wait, but follow that nudge in your soul to get completely right with JESUS.

HE will hear you when you call out to HIM with all of your heart!! If you let HIM, HE will become your strength, and HE will hide you safely under HIS wings. Let him alone become your deliverer, your fortress, your shield and your peace!


“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 31:26

" that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:92

" The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." Psalms 18:2

" Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." Psalms 23:4

I sought the LORD, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34:4

" The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles." Psalms 34:7






[picture credit:]


1 Comment

Veit Viehweger
Veit Viehweger
Nov 04, 2019

Well, I watched the last interview (10/24/2019) from Pastor Paul Begley with Mike from around the World And this whistleblower said, that something much, much greater will come in the time between end November / begin of December: three days of darkness. Watch for yourself at t=3500s and t=3655s . This would not only change America for ever. It would chance the hole earth. And yes: Nearly nobody is ready for this event.

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