I received this message on June 20th, 2021, while praying. In this message, the LORD mentions a building collapsing.....and at the time, I thought it was a metaphor. However, four days later, the Sunrise building tragically collapsed in Miami, Florida. I believe that the LORD was pointing to this as a SIGN of what is coming.
"It is time almost time.....
TIME for the end of time.
TIME for MY New Kingdom to be set up.
TIME for the wicked to be no more.
TIME for peace, harmony, love, joy and kindness.
TIME for all things to come to an end.
TIME for a NEW BEGINNING to come and spring forth!
For those who have been faithful, it will be glorious, wonderful and beautiful! You will enter M Y Kingdom with shouts of joy and singing....it will be a GLORIOUS DAY.....for those who are looking forward to it!
For all others, their fate has come....because their hearts were far from ME....so will their eternity !
The door shall close, and it will be too late for them! They did not choose wisely, or carefully....for they loved their lives more than ME!
Time wraps itself up, and soon will be no more! Only a few sense that this is happening. Most are like in the days of Noah, where they just go on with their daily lives, and not even know the end is near. Though I have sent MY prophets and servants, they have chosen to turn their backs on TRUTH, therefore their days are numbered.
As the building came crashing down, so will the things of earth will be. It will all come crashing down!
Prepare your hearts for this......Seek ME so you will not be in harms way!
Get out of the cities now. Relocate as soon as possible, for the earth is shifting and it will collapse!
Everything will come tumbling down into a ruinous heap. I will SHAKE the whole world from its foundations. This is the purging and purifying effect that the earth needs to go through a rebirth....which is painful!
For those who have ears to hear, prepare for what is to come.....the warnings have gone forth, but who listened?
REPENT, FAST and PRAY to be counted worthy to escape what is coming.
Then I heard this:
"The water is coming ....then fire will rain down from up above as the FINAL JUDGMENT. MY people will not be on the hearth during that time, but will be with me up in heaven."
"...When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you.
For I am the Lord your God,
The Holy One of Israel, your Savior; " Isaiah 43:1-3
“God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah
There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God,
The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
God is in the midst of her, she shall not be [d]moved;
God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.
The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved;
He uttered His voice, the earth melted.
The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah” Psalms 46:1-7
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]
Marvelous True
I had a dream a few days ago that something was going to happen, a shaking of my house and relationships. I was trying to make everything in my house safe, tying down all the 'glass' plates and cups, preparing for damage limitation. I felt a strong sense that communication was lacking with my family members and this was hindering my ability to get ready for the shaking.
If sheds light on PROPHETIC WARNING: building collapse.....ruinous heap! Prophet God who vanished 2012 said God said "USA rock bed is cracked due to fractal methane gas mining and can explode" fulfilling Prophecy verse 'Afar off shore merchant ships for fear of torment fire' fire ablaze USA babylon. This ruined rock bed causes sinkholes. May view sinkh0oles sinking trees, houses and built structures on you tube. Sinkhole in all deliberations can to be the cause of condo collapse FL. Marie had open vision facet leak blood, caused her shock open vision water turn into blood, blood curse Egypt. I'm on NY facets water supply years ago had brown water pollution took over a year to cleanse. NY ocean level is…
I have to share that the other day I got the trailer for The Chosen finale of Season 2, and when Simon said to Jesus, "It is time Master" the Holy Spirit anointing fell on me for a very long time, and every time I hear those words again I feel very excited! It IS time for all things to be fulfilled! We are going to enter a time of utter calamity that will reveal the hand of God in a way that we have never seen before! We must tell people God loves them and will help them through. PTL!!!