On March 21st, 2019, I received this message while praying:
"Do not be shaken by all the things that are coming, but remain faithful and steadfast, grounded firmly upon the ROCK OF SALVATION.
All is about to unfold, as the prophecies come forth. Marvel at their fulfillment! Stand back and watch and be amazed at the accuracy of MY WORD.
SHAKING....a great shaking is coming. It will rock the world with its repercussions. Warn those to move off the coasts for they will flood. Tsunamis will come and wipe places clear. I urge MY children to seek ME on this, so you do not get caught in the destruction!
Seek ME now on where you are to be and where you should go. I will hide MY Own under the shelter when the times come.
I will shake everything clean! What is left will be of ME. The slate will be wiped clean. Only a remnant will remain.
The warnings go out, prepare your soul and strengthen your spirit! Confess your sins on a daily basis, leaving nothing unconfessed. Stay PURE and HOLY as I AM. Curse the ways of the flesh, and walk in the ways of the good SPIRIT.
Let love, joy, peace, faithfulness guide your steps. Continue to walk in a manner that is worthy of ME. Be MY disciples, and hear MY voice.
The dark night comes, but you will be the shining light in this darkness. Therefore let MY light shine through you always.
Be the salt and preserve righteousness, truth and justice. Do not shrink back, but standup for what is right!
Do not deny ME, and I will not deny your before MY FATHER!
The curtain is closing and final act will commence. It will be a play that has never been seen before, for the time draws near for the antichrist to be revealed.
You will see things that you have never seen before! BEHOLD, I will be with you!
Stay focused on ME now, MY dear children! The end comes swiftly!
Come to ME now, all who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest. Learn MY ways and you will have peace.
Claim victory in ME now and make the enemy scatter sevenfold!
You will start to see some supernatural things happen. Be prepared for it and look for it. As the enemy come in, and is way visible now, so I will show MYSELF and MY POWER!
MY lovely Bride, you are now being prepared for the SUPPER OF THE LAMB!
REJOICE, for it comes!
Your adoring SAVIOR, JESUS"
HEBREW 12:26-29
"At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens."
The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,
for our "God is a consuming fire."
I live in Pennsylvania and over the last few days I have seen YouTube vids of meteors in the sky over certain states the odd thing is when my husband and I took a walk we sat to rest and I saw one in our skies I wasn't frightened in fact I knew what it was and scratched my head and thanked the Lord for the warning
I live in R.I. on the east coast. Please pray for my family’s safety and that the Lord will direct us . 🙏🏻 thank you.