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Writer: ElizabethElizabeth

Updated: May 27, 2022

On May 24th, 2022, after hearing a message from the LORD while praying, I then sought the LORD if there was anything else that HE wanted me to share. I then heard a warning. Please continue to PRAY for the LORD's MERCY and GRACE during the times of judgment. Prayer can hinder, minimize, delay, and lessen what is planned!!

I was not given a time-frame, year or date. Like always, seek the LORD for further confirmation and understanding. :

"There will be an Chinese invasion. It will start in the west, and move eastward. All in its path will be the locust that desolate the land. But not all will be lost, as I will save pockets of areas, and people. Those who are been faithful to ME, with go through the fires unharmed. They will bring a mighty revival to all who see and witness this.

America will continue to be judged for her great sins.... for she is the home of Babylon. But MY people have come out of Babylon, and will not partake in her sins or her destruction! (Revelation 18:4-8)

My plans for America is not your plans, and MY ways are not your ways. (Isaiah 55:8) WATCH, and see what I will do! I am mighty in power, and strength, and will overcome the ways of wicked.

The land will be purged of all unrighteousness, for MY New Kingdom comes, and it will not be tainted with a drop of sin.

The birth-pangs increase, and a New Kingdom will be born. (Romans 8:21-22) Through much travail, pain, and suffering, a new world will be born into existence! (Revelation 21:1)

MY people...REJOICE! This is the gift I bring to you.....

No more tears...

No more sorrow....

No more pain....

No more evil or wickedness!


Pray to be counted worthy to enter.

Pray that you will have enough "OIL" to enter. (Matthew 25:6-10)

Pray that you are not sleep-walking, but awake at MY coming!"

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you." Isaiah 43:2

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

[picture credit:]



May 27, 2022

I tried to post this message in dreams, blocked each time. I'll try again.

Lead to share these lyrics, from Chicago about "Time"

"Does Anybody Really Know What Time it is?"

Listen to the song & lyrics.

Psalm 31:15, Ecc 3:11, Ecc 3:1, 1Tim 6:15, Isaiah 60:22, Ephesians 1:10, Proverbs 15:23.

Thank you Lord.

God bless.



May 27, 2022

grace and peace of Lord Dear Sorry don not take as an offense Mary the apostles the saints are all waiting for resurrection Que Jesus left he said I will let HOLY GHOST here to pray for you he is the mediator Nobody else I have 4 four generation of Catholic They are my beloved I love you in Christ but God showed me in the Bible just Holly Ghost and Jesus we can pray and ask things The lord is not a lier the primitive ROMAN Catholic Church create this "faith" Poor Mary God said even an Angel of light appears .. don't give credit do not believe I need to tell what God…


May 27, 2022

HELLO !!!!!!Elisabeth I am for almost 4 years reading listening to you I am that Beatriz from Brasil I left USA my so so so beloved second country ... I love so much Americans Oh I cry And I pray for you His bless you But I need to ask you could you please please ask Jesus anything about Brasil ???? And you can tell me here in your blog Oh if I could unwound have a big farm to have you and the true Christians with me here Pray for God help me here Love you


Inventor Sale
Inventor Sale
May 26, 2022

If seems impossible, invade USA, Jer=USA-lem was invaded. Holy Mary Prophetess repeated visions details saw Chinese communist sneaky tactic use tunnels sewers sudden surprise shock troops into neighborhoods. Lost Gospel Nag Hammadi reads "Church ( tithes $ ) is not wood but, WITHIN YOU", Vatican believes is heresy, no tithes $ to Churches Vatican so, invade home ( killed Fatima Prophetess ) of heretics. Stress level 100 % spouse dies, 85 % relocate home ( safe haven ), so pool $ in buy dirt cheap co owners, so no land lord, while keep own home, reduces stress ( other factor relocate jobs $ ). Saying "Holier than thou", applies to Vatican Churches mock Free Underground Church, WITHIN YOU

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