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PROPHETIC WARNING: LITTLE TIME LEFT: the Internet //the Power Grid // Civil War

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

I have two short dreams, a word, and a message that I received from the LORD that I would like to share. Please take them to the LORD for confirmation, and further understanding.

There are many believers in CHRIST, that are now getting warnings for these LAST DAYS. In the WORD, it says that in the Last Days, the LORD would POUR OUT HIS SPIRIT, so that people would get dreams and visions. (Acts 2:17-18)

It also says, in Ezekiel 33, that the LORD gives out HIS warnings to HIS watchmen/women, so that they can sounds the ALARM, of what is COMING, in order to warn the people. If the watchmen/women don't share, then they will be personally accountable to the LORD.


In this dream, I was in the library of my grandfather. On the wall, I saw a huge collection of HOURGLASSES, sitting on shelves. My grandfather told me to pick one I looked them over to see which one I liked the best.

There were all kinds, shapes, and sizes....however, right in front of me, was the littlest of them all, which caught my attention. It was pink in color, and was about 2 inches tall.

I picked up the tiny hourglass, and then gave it to my grandfather. He then went to the desk beside him, and placed the hourglass right on the computer screen. For some reason, it stuck immediately to the screen, as if it had some kind of adhesive on it. I thought that was very strange....and then I woke up!


I have had dreams, before, about my grandfather, and the LORD has shown me that, in my dreams, he represents the FATHER.

I have also, just this year, had several dreams of things that are 'pink,'..... and I've been shown that that represents 'WEAKNESS,' and going 'WOKE.'


My grandfather putting this hourglass on the computer means:



I had a dream-vision of a computer, but it also looked like an old fashion radio from WW2. On the side of the computer, there were wooden knobs, like on an old radio. However, the TOP KNOB, was gone, and, all that was left was the screw where it once was held. I had a 'knowing' that this 'knob,' which was missing, was the ON/OFF dial for the computer. Therefore, the computer was broken, and not able to work, because it could not be turned on.


Again, this points to major problems coming with the internet. Since, I believe that the dream also references WW2.... it could be a warning that communications will become limited when WW3 comes.


Oh 11/16/23, I saw this article that could be a confirmation of the 'internet woes' that are coming:



On 7/29/23, I woke up to these words:


Since, I have received this word, I have been praying for my area, and my state that I live in!


I received this message on 11/15/23:

"The time is coming when the internet will be down for a short time, for the grid will be out in many places. It is during this time that a RECONSTRUCT of all things will occur. When things are turned back on, everything will be different!

Freedom will not longer reign, but instead, CONTROL & CENSORSHIP! All voices, except for those in power, will be silenced. Only their narratives will be allowed. All others will be stopped, and many will be arrested.

The people will, at first, abide with their limitations, but it will not take long for

uprising to come. This will play in their hands, as they will now have an excuse to arrest their enemies.

During this time there will be many UNDERGROUND PLATFORMS that will spring up....ALTERNATIVES that will find a way to come forth.

Their total control grabs will only hold on for so long, until a dam breaks, and a flood of dissidence comes. This will only be one of the ingredients that will lead to civil war. The CAPTIVES will rise up against their CAPTORS, and a battle will ensue.

For now, be as WISE AS SERPENTS, and gentle as doves. Ask for MY wisdom in how to navigate online. Go dark, when I tell you.

Listen for MY voice, so that you will be lead by MY SPIRIT, I will guide those who seek ME, with all their hearts. Those who are pure of heart before ME....those are the ones that I will lead forward.

Foster this kind of relationship with Me, and I will SHELTER YOU IN MY PRESENCE!

2 CHRONICLES 7:13-14:
“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

EXODUS 15:26:
"and said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.


[picture credit: pixabay]


2 comentários

Rosaria Ferraro
Rosaria Ferraro
18 de nov. de 2023

Three years ago I had multiple flash visions given to me. I live in New York and the first one appeared as riots in New York City. Which occurred. But than it escalated and became more violent and the bloodshed was flowing in the streets but the third vision showed that the people now were dredging in a river of pure blood and and using military weapons. The soldiers were dredging in a river of blood shed throughout the streets.


17 de nov. de 2023

The lord showed me we will fight spiritually and physically against evil gov hybrids Cryptids fallen angels and occult super soldiers it will be like an x men movie . many will perish in the fema camps but others will be in the wilderness for months at a time then move to a new camp. Gods spirit will be over the sky in night time like fire and in day.

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