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PROPHETIC WARNING: the Beast Overcomes for a short time

Writer: ElizabethElizabeth

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

On 11/12/20 I was awoken to this word:

“It is a trap and a snare,
and MY people will in caught unaware.”


I believe that this is regard to the elections and the future president of the U.S. People are being deceived on so many levels, but they see it not. This is not about the two different parties, but it is about the deception that has fallen on the saved and unsaved alike. They are so blinded by their devotion to either party, that they fail to see the BIG PICTURE of what is coming, regardless of who is president. The agenda of the beast system will move forward for it is rising!

The LORD has opened my eyes to this....pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to give you wisdom and revelation on further understanding and clarity. Remember that we are living in the last days, thus we are seeing prophecy starting to unfold.

MESSAGE: (Octoberv2020)

"Keep your eyes forward on MY path of life. Choose carefully every step you take. I will go before you and anoint each step.

Much is happening around the world....."CLOSED DOORS"....There are meetings, secret meetings, behind "closed doors." They plot on the best way to administer the mark, and to make all people, not only compliant, but slaves to the Beast. They hate MY children, those who call ME LORD and KING.

They consider them the true enemy of the state, and it is their challenge on how to eliminate AND silence MY people.

You will be "marginalized," [1] and for a time overcomed. But this is only like a seed that is planted, then opens up, and produces a great harvest. . Nothing can silence MY presence on the earth, because all things point back to ME. Even the rocks will call out MY praises if My people do not! All of creation is MY father’s handiwork!

Though the enemy tries to conunterfeit ME in all things, he fails miserably! He will never have complete control of MY creation or My people.

Like the "Spirit of Haman" that has swept the land, their time will be cut off. Yes, they will do some harm and carry out their wicked deeds and schemes, but only what I permit. I am in total control of all things!

Enter now into MY gates with thanksgiving and into MY courts with praise! Be over-comers – this is entirely possible with the help of MY SPIRIT! " END OF MESSAGE

[1] Marginalized Definition:

“to relegate to an unimportant or powerless position” [Webster Dictionary]

“to treat someone or something as if they were not important” [Cambridge Dictionary]

NOTE: These definitions above reminds me of unborn babies, and how they are not deemed as important, and considered a 'something,' instead of a 'someone.' We will see this 'marginalized' theme happening to the elderly, Christians, and to all of humanity. In the eyes of the enemy, human life is not worth being kept alive!


“I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them” Daniel 7:21

“He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,

Shall persecute the saints of the Most High,

And shall intend to change times and law.

Then the saints shall be given into his hand

For a time and times and half a time.” Daniel 7:25

“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.” Matthew 24:9

“And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 12:17


[picture credit:]



Reflection Reflection
Reflection Reflection
Nov 26, 2020

There was a recent decree in the court room of Heaven (Maurice Sklar).

Understanding of this decree in the court room of Heaven was given to YahuShua's

servant "Reflection" to be shared with His body.

In this court room the prayers of the saints were weighed against satan's right to

his 3.5 years to rule over Earth. The prayers of the saints tipped the scale and it was decreed that satan would lose 1/2 (6 months) of one year rule over Earth. As a result

of this judgment the 7 year tribulation is now divided into 4 years to gather those who are left behind after the rapture, the remnant, and those who will be martyred......Therefore, satan will rule only…


Nov 18, 2020

Yes Elizabeth


Unknown member
Nov 15, 2020

Watching this weekend's DC rallies, I worried that these photographed masses who were not distancing, were probably scanned and bio-identified.

Thousands of out-of-towners could easily be told to quarantine for 2 weeks or longer, on the spot. Since hotels would not be able to hold them all, they might be diverted to shelters. Things could scramble out of control so quickly.

Your dragon photo echoes DCoverstone's July dream post, of foreign troops rounding up US citizens. Right now over 130 secret service are quarantined, and police are in process of defunding.

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