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PROPHETIC WARNING: the Mark of the man can buy or sell without it!

I received this message while praying on the week of July 16th 2023:


"The MARK OF THE BEAST is coming......(where no one can buy or sell!)

It is fastly approaching, much like a freight train that has lost control!

My children need to seek MY wisdom, so they can see clearly about what is about to happen.

The GREAT RESET is in progress behind the scenes. One morning you will wake up, and the completions will have taken place: It will be: Join the Beast System, or you will be shut out.

Have you thought about what you will do? Do you have a plan? Have you even sought ME on this...or will you just comply??

With every trial and temptation, I provide a way of ESCAPE....for those who are looking, seeking and praying! (1 Corinthians 10:13)

The SNARE has been set. The TRAP is laid, and now many will fall into it. (Ecclesiastes 9:12) However, those who have been WARNED, will find other solutions, and will be able to resist..... with MY HELP & MY POWER! (James 4:7)

CRY OUT to ME for help...and I will hear! Do not lose hope, for I will set the captives free! I will provide a way where there is no way --- look for it with faith, and anticipation!

I LOVE MY SHEEP, and will keep them safe within MY pastures. For those who wander off, I will go and gently lead them back....if they are willing! (John 10:7-16)

WARN others what is coming, so that they too, will not be caught unaware, and become enslaved by the BEAST.

This is a WARNING...

SeeK ME on what to do...

Hear My instructions and directions...

SeeK MY DISCERNMENT, and let me give you the KNOWLEDGE of GOD!



[picture credit:]

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