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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth

PROPHETIC WARNING: the Mark of the Beast: convenience & security! (part 2)

MESSAGE received while praying (7/29/23):

"Soon you will not be able to buy or sell without their mark. For convenience it is placed on the body.....and then it will be connected to their system. This will make people one with the BEAST. They will have exchanged their very souls for convenience and security. For those who succumb, there will be no way back, for the door of salvation will then be closed and locked for all eternity for them.

Warm them of this: Do not give your body parts to the Beast System! The precursor is over, the the the true mark will be enforced!

For My people who are faithful, and will continue to be faithful, I say:



Depend on ME for all your needs....for I will provide a 'way in the desert' where there seems to be no way!

"Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19

I will provide for MY OWN, and they will not be abandoned...for I raise up a STANDARD against the Beast. (Isaiah 59:19) All his plans will not come into fruition....for I hold the keys to life and death....not him! (Revelation 1:18) He is only a pretender...he pretends to be GOD, but he is not match for the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! He is only the man behind the curtain, who is fallible, and his control WILL end, and his demise WILL be swift!

The Beast is running like he has gained the victory,, but it is just a delusion that will exist for just a little while longer....until MY will and purposes haVe been served.

For all things have a purpose, and all will be accomplished that needs to be accomplished....mainly the salvation of souls.

All else is just dust in the wind.

Come to ME now....

HUMBLE yourself before ME....

SEEK ME diligently....

for you will need MY strength, and mercy for what is coming....

The wind blows....

The whirlwind comes!"

(picture credit:

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