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PROPHETIC WARNING: the NWO......the Tower of Babel

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

In the message that I received on 8/8/22, the LORD answered a question that I had about what was going on concerning the laws and justice in America. HE showed me how people’s trust are misplaced, for they trust the institutions of men, instead of GOD. Once again they have erected a TOWER of BABEL.....a one world system. We see this through technology, AI, and control.

How long will it be until the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY finally acts against their folly and foolish ways? HE is a jealous GOD, and HIS patience and long-suffering with mankind will have its limits.

I believe this message points to the fact that we are FAR BEYOND any hope in the man’s system. Our only HOPE is found in the Mercy of our LORD and SAVIOR!


"This is the time that was written about thousands of years ago. The stage is now being set for the culmination of all things.

The wicked will now become more wicked....

The righteous will become more holy.....

The earth will groan from the spilled blood of MY saints.

A time is coming where they all call out to ME, LORD, LORD!

For every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that I am the SON OF GOD....the SAVIOR for all those who call out to ME in faith! (Philippians 2:9-11)

The governments are now one, though they pretend not to be. They put on a facade to fool and mislead the people. This is the New World Order that has come, and many are shocked at its emergence. However, this was also prophesied in MY WORD.

Just like in the days of Babylon, so shall it be again. Man trying to become GOD, and reach HIM through their own attempts, and ghastly deeds. With the help of My arch enemy, the devil, they are given the outlines of how to set up this New World, so that it will be WITHOUT GOD.

They think that they will succeed, and that they are all powerful. But I laugh (Psalms 2:4) at their feeble attempts to play GOD, for they will fumble, fall, and, unless they repent, will be thrown into UTTER DARKNESS where they will wail and gnash their teeth.

This New World will only last for a short while, for it I did not come to stop them, there would be nothing left.

Their main goal is two fold:

1) To kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10)

2) To take out those who call themselves by MY NAME

They to do not realize that they are only pawns in a much bigger picture. For nothing happens without MY knowing, and without MY permission. I only hold all the KEYS to LIFE (and death) , not the devil! (Revelation 1:18)


The evil that is taking over the world is like an advanced cancer that is spreading.

Only I can remove this growth.

Only I can heal the land.

Only I can surgically remove it.

But most do not see Me as the answer. They only see the elections of man to be the answer to the cancer that is now consuming the world.

They do not look to the root cause, but only to a temporary solution. Oh, that they would call out to ME for the answer....for I would provide the remedy!

OH FOOLISH MAN! When will you ever learn? My heart grieves at your blindness, for truly you cannot see! For there is only one hope!

I am that hope...

Not man....

Not governments...

Not elections!

Most think that it is all about the ba llot box, and who gets vot ed into office. This is where their hopes lie.

WHOA, I tell you! This will be your downfall because you did not trust in GOD for your deliverance! You did not call out, but instead but your hopes in a fallen system that is corrupt and deceptive.

It will only go from bad to worse quickly, if your eyes to not open to the truth of the GRAVE SITUATION that you are in!

WAKE UP AMERICA!! You have believed in a lie, and have worshiped the seen for the unseen. It is only the CREATOR of life that has the POWER to rescue the sons of men.

Only those who believe (in faith), will be able to discern the times that have become so desperate. For many have been given over to a depraved mind, therefore the evil increases.

I call MY people to humble themselves and pray for deliverance, for only I can save!

If you continue to put your faith in man, then comes the same punishment as the unrighteous.

Call out to ME, and live! I will be your salvation. Do not trust in man’s institutions, because they have become corrupt and evil.

There is only ONE WAY out of the mess that America and the world is in.....

TO REPENT and SEEK THE LORD with all your heart, soul and mind.

I come soon and am ready to call MY own home to be with ME! The time is late, as MIDNIGHT approaches. Time is speeding up for the sake of MY elect!

Soon the end will become a glorious beginning for those who love truth and righteousness!

Seek the days that will bring rejoicing and peace....because the come soon!

See ME and let ME hide you in MY presence!

I call out to those who have ears to hear....



PSALMS 2:1-6:

"Why are the nations so angry?

Why do they waste their time with futile plans?

The kings of the earth prepare for battle;

the rulers plot together

against the Lord

and against his anointed one.

“Let us break their chains,” they cry,

“and free ourselves from slavery to God.”

But the one who rules in heaven laughs.

The Lord scoffs at them.

Then in anger he rebukes them,

terrifying them with his fierce fury.

For the Lord declares, “I have placed my chosen king on the throne

in Jerusalem, on my holy mountain.”

[picture credit:]


3 comentários

11 de ago. de 2022


Ask Jesus talk to me about Brasil Or tell you and you tell me please It's very confuse some prophets say destructions I believe Toooo much sins Others say it will be the land to help nations Food water etc I doubt However I ask mercy and maybe Jesus will deliver help I have a prophet here that is SANDERLINA Jesus guarantee us he is talking to her As she says many things exactly like you are saying I believed But at same time Jesus is precise in your words mentioning Bible verses She just repeat the same She seems Holly For my you are blessed Tells truth if people doubt i…


Jack Vorster
Jack Vorster
11 de ago. de 2022

I believe that the Christian world is in for a mighty big surprise when "sudden destruction" comes before any supposed future "great tribulation" which befell the Jewish nation leading up to and beyond 70 A.D. Right now we're in "the beginning of sorrows" era which will not abate but flow into God's final day of wrath through Jesus Christ. Jesus made it clear that those who endure unto the end shall be saved. Are modern-day Christians any better than the Apostles and the millions of persecuted and martyred Christians of the past and the present in the Middle East and Asia where millions are being persecuted and killed? Are we so comfortable that we believe in a "we're outta here"…


Inventor Sale
Inventor Sale
10 de ago. de 2022

If no surprise old fallen tower babel ( = bible anagram ) religions now NWO secret satan ( = santa anagram ) claus comes as thief in night chimney down to ashes, ashes burnt babies skulls knee caps left infant souls sacrifices today molech altar deal exchange behold materialize before eyes new products evil genius alien inventions technologies christmas wish gifts origin delivered up under oceans satan's factories human sold souls slaves Satan Claus elves toy makers "Woe unto inhabits ocean" Rev 12:12 "Whosoever doth forthwith thy hence recompense money $ into debt forgive not thy debtors unto satan soul will work off debt be bonded servant slave saith kleptomaniac $ profit prophet" bind injection nurse hospital pills

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