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Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

The LORD has been showing me some things concerning the IMAGE of the BEAST! Just as HUMANS were made in the IMAGE OF GOD, we are now seeing that the IMAGE OF THE BEAST rising up! As the SERPENT'S seed is planted in HUMANS, they will no longer be in the IMAGE of GOD, but in SATAN's IMAGE!

The ANTICHRIST is in the IMAGE OF THE BEAST, and I believe it is connected to 'fallen' technology.


I received this warning on March 18th, 2021, while praying:

"All is not what is seems! My people perish because of their lack of knowledge and wisdom! (Hosea 4:6) They came not to ME, the fount of all wisdom, to seek what they should do.

Instead, they use human wisdom to decide who are what will take of care of them. This is where they error, and the cost will not only be great, but in some cases it will cost them their very lives.

Oh how I have prayed that they would make the right choice, and choose ME to be their guide to lead them! I cry as I see the deception that has come - though I know it was part of the plan all along....

  • The wheat and the tares....

  • The goat and the sheep.....

They are being sifted, and soon will be harvested.

If you have not put away childish things, then the time is almost over to do so. It is a time to be sober, and seriously weigh the consequences of your decisions. It is time to get into the MEAT OF MY WORD, for it is there you will hear MY voice, and see the path I have laid out for each one of you!

Soon the WALKING DEAD will be among you! These half -breeds will no longer have a soul, but only a will to their father’s business. Beware of them, and keep your much as possible, for they may seem harmless, but they are not! They wish you harm and destruction, and they will LIE, KILL and CHEAT to get their way.

  • How do you stay safe?

  • How do you stay strong?

By drawing close to ME and the FATHER! Let US be your STRENGTH, STRONG TOWER, your FORTRESS and GREAT DELIVERER! (Psalms 144:2) We are there for those who seek US!!

Do not let fear, worry or anxiety get a foothold! Close that door completely with your trust in ME!

  • TRUST & FAITH will carry you through!

  • DOUBT & FEAR will care you away from ME, and will open the door for the enemy to come in!

(REMEMBER) you have not been given a spirit of FEAR, but of LOVE,POWER AND A SOUND MIND! (2 Timothy 1:9)

ACTIVATE THIS LOVE, THIS POWER, THIS SOUND MIND! This can be done through the HOLY SPIRIT, and HIS help!

SHALOM to all MY precious ones! Keep your eyes focused on ME alone, and you will be carried HOME safely!



"And I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God." Revelation 15:2

[picture credit:]



Mar 31, 2021

You will be better off taking garlic for T-cell immunity...

Over 100 fully vaccinated people contract COVID-19 in Washington state, officials say

I take a couple of 2000 mg garlic each day and I have not had cold or flu for years. My recent blood tests show that my white blood cell count is higher than normal, exactly what garlic has been documented to do which increases vascular health and also gives a strengthened immune system.

Mar 31, 2021
Replying to

I have taken Vitamin D for years and it never stopped me from getting a cold or flu. Take all the other vitamins you want they are probably good for you but garlic is well proven with scientific papers available on the web which state that the garlic prolongs the life of T-cells which are white blood cells and immune system cells, and this has shown correct in my blood tests taken on me by my doctor for yearly health checkups. The effect of garlic is much stronger than anything else you can take.


Mar 29, 2021


If you watch until 3:14 you should see GPS wrist bracelets that people are being forced to wear! Just as the CDC warns of IMPENDING DOOM in the USA ...


Mar 29, 2021

The mark of the beast is in our right hand or forehead. IN. so this means its not an external mark on iur skin its actually inside us. What is the holy spirit telling us about the mark? He will lead us so trust in our instincts lead by the spirit first.


Siri Miri סירי Bane Faouz
Siri Miri סירי Bane Faouz
Mar 29, 2021

nAnd now they are changing the name Astra zeneca into Vax zevria.

Astra ze neca in Latin means e.i KILL STARS, And Vaxze vria means in Netherland language Vax them free..

This makes me question Vax them free from what...

The God gene? Yes, that is NOT a unpossible, cuz it is DOCUMENTED that can do this. And this have been tried out on Muslims!

And then it brings me right back to what I posted some time ago, of what I was given about the SWAB and the JAB.

And today we have seen that the masks are filled with Nano fibers, black small threads.. And this is something people are breathing inside of them.. And they are ALIVE!

Lucy Santiago
Lucy Santiago
Apr 16, 2021
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Wow!Thank you for sharing this.I learned alot of news this day,not just one thing,many today by you sister in Christ.Ty so much,I will definately be more aware of the schemes of this evil doer named Satan.ive had covid test with those swabs several times and always felt like something was actually on it,but didnt think of it at the time,it just felt cold and a bit wet when inserted to my nostril.Also didnt know the names of the vaccines had meaning either,so again ty so much for making me aware and so many more.God bless


Mar 29, 2021

What do you think about them making it mandatory, it's already that way in israel, and other countries! What it is, is they first say you have a choice, then it becomes part of you even getting a job? Which we are already experiencing here in the states! So yes it is part of the beast system! And what it proves is people are trusting Government instead of God? Its plain and clear!

Lucy Santiago
Lucy Santiago
Apr 16, 2021
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If it becomes mandatory here where I live,I am refusing it,I dont care what I have to go through,if I refuse it.I serve a mighty God that will take care of me.I will trust in God!Not man.I pray that the eyes of the blind be opened soon,before its too late for them.😪

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