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PROPHETIC WARNING: Train Wreck is Coming // Be like JESUS

Writer: ElizabethElizabeth

I received this message while praying on 12/17/21:

"Things are going HOT!

A train wreck is coming. and it will crash all segments of society. Can you hear the whistle in the distance, as it approaches?

It will bring disasters and distress. It will bring misery and death.

It is the TRAIN OF THE HOLOCAUST. Make no mistake about understanding the times that you live is the end of days where prophecy is unfolding. Do not listen to those who say otherwise.

The momentum has build up, and is now in motion....forward motion.

If you are not near to ME, then you will not hear MY voice on what you should be doing, and where you should be going. I am giving out assignments now to those who can hear.

Be lead by the SPIRIT, and not the flesh. Do not let yourself be caught by a snare that has been laid for you. Do not be deceived by the voices around you. Satan is using many people against you, to persuade you to do the opposite of MY will.

O MY children, how I long to gather you under MY wings, but you would not, for ‘you know better’, so you say in your heart. (Luke 13:34)

My ways of surrender and humbleness are not your ways. ‘You’ reign supreme in your own heart, and not ME. You have idols that you worship, and spend more time with, then ME. Your idols will be your downfall, and you will lead you to the gates of hell. (Colossians 3:5)

Do not say ‘once saved, always saved,’ for this is a lie – a doctrine from the enemy of your soul. This is a deception. (1 Timothy 4:1) (Luke 8:13) (Romans 11:22) Even Paul wasn’t sure he was worthy to enter heaven. (1 Cor. 9:27).

No one is worthy......only those who have surrendered their lives to ME in full sacrifice. Those who believe in their hearts that I am the true SAVIOR....and those who love and obey ME.......they will be the ones that I will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant....welcome to MY kingdom!” All others will be locked out. The door will shut, and no matter how hard you knock, it will not open again. (Matthew 25:10-12)

You have fallen for the lies of MY enemy who has preached a ‘feel good,’ ‘easy doctrine of salvation.’ When in fact, the road is not only narrow, but difficult with self-sacrificing ways. (Matthew 7:14)

If you are Mine, then you no longer live! (Galatians 2:20) My ways will be your ways. You will seek to be like me – holy and separate from the world. Wealth, possessions, and pride will be a thing of the past, as you put on your sackcloth and serve ME.

Are you ready for a life of sacrifice? Are you ready for putting away your childish toys, and walk humbly with ME? (I Corinthians 13:11) Are you ready to be separate, holy and different from the world? (1 John 2:15-17)

If so, then seek ME on these things, and I will guide you.

Let your outer appearance reflect your inner man. (1Peter 3:3-4) Do not look like the world. Bear My likeness in your being. Show the world that you are set apart for ME!

The time is getting late, so do not delay in making the changes necessary to enter MY KINGDOM.

If you are MY follower, you will be like ME,



REDEEMER of your sins

LOVER of your soul


[picture credit:]



Feb 03, 2022

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Feb 03, 2022

I have been watching spaceweather,com closely in the last few days. There is a very large sun spot combination that was facing Earth until yesterday. I think they said it was 5 times the size of Earth. The likely hood of severe solar storm was at 85% the highest I have seen them post in years of checking with this website. And then it gets stranger, in the last month their predictions of solar storm have always FAILED, that does not make any sense everything that is out there is supposed to known. Therefore, I think it is now very likely that there IS some sort of planet-X object, some sort of Dark Star, that is helping to create solar…


Inventor Sale
Inventor Sale
Feb 03, 2022

If analogy 'Train Wreck' de hitch cars ( train thought saying ) analogy thought is train ticket never free ride to heavens, pay JC. Train thoughts to think endless happiness never happens, wreck conscious remember life pray fix me replace human thought with verse. Hebrew Ur = Light of thought to thought, wreck train, never joy 100% endless 24 hours, work slave 8 hours, off work 8 hours, sleep 8 hours 8 + 8 + 8 = 24 hours day 16 hours conscious 2 / 3 = 666, 1/3 life asleep, can not sense your conscious soul. "Whosoever goeth not to sabbath, never arrives at sabbath conscious" useless senseless proverbs swine before pearl cry nurse hospital pills


Jack Vorster
Jack Vorster
Feb 03, 2022

Wow! This is a strong message. Shout it out from the rooftops.

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