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Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth

I received this MESSAGE while praying on March 5th, 2021:

"WAR is coming but it will look different to what once was. This WAR is against all humanity, and is brought to you by satan himself. The only way to prepare is to hide yourself carefully under the shadow of MY WINGS. It is there that you will find peace, and strength for the days ahead.

Pray for the darkness to be extinguished by the light. The light will dawn on MY precious ones, but the darkness will overtake those who have chosen another.

Tell MY people to hang on tight for just a little longer! I know the attacks are great, but I am there during this time of trials. Use your authority that I have given you over the enemy. (Luke 10:19) Use your weapons of the SPIRIT, for they are powerful! Do not back down, and cower away, but stand strong! Stand still and watch the deliverance that I will bring!

Wait upon ME patiently, and you will see MY hand at work. Though it seems like all is lost, in reality, all is as planned. What seems like a lost cause is actually an open door for ME to accomplish MY will.

I have plans for you that don’t match up with yours, but they are for the best – trust in ME, and have faith that I am a good FATHER who takes care of HIS children. However, MY ways are not your ways, so sometimes there seems like a disconnect. (Isaiah 55:8) It is during those times that you need to just hold on to ME through faith, and I will see you through all the snares and trials.

  • Stay focused on ME!

  • Stay true to ME now, even under severe testing.

  • Do not let your hearts be troubled.

  • Believe in ME and I will set you free!

Your heavenly FATHER & Friend, JESUS (John 15:15)

[I then heard these two Scriptures:]

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper,

And every tongue which rises against you in judgment

You shall condemn.

This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,

And their righteousness is from Me,”

Says the LORD." Isaiah 54:17

"Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:36-37

[picture credit:]



Apr 18, 2021

Hi Shawn,

please look at my reply,



Apr 18, 2021

Elizabeth and Lucy That is what I was trying to explain is all u described I obsessively did like my life depended on it. I was and am bedbound homebound past 16 years and cared only about having Gid. I mean that as serious as can be 😭. I questioned myself torturing myself what could I be doing wrong begging God. Day after day and year. Repenting constant, stopped porn, lust, but still could not control disturbed emotions demons from illness no matter what. I’ve been so afflicted organs body brain chemistry chronic exhausted weak since birth, then drug reactions caused the unending torture so extreme no hope helpless. Drs made so worse and illness no one gets free from hardly.…

Nov 21, 2021
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God’s word specifically says that there is a great multitude beyond number in heaven (Revelation 7: 9-17) (Revelation 19: 1-9).

The sins of a father are visited unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate God but to those who love God, He blesses unto a thousand generations (Exodus 20: 5-6). That clearly indicates that God blesses more than 10% of humanity. And God can choose to have mercy on whomever He chooses (Romans 9: 15), including people who were born within generational sins.

Being born again is about being spiritually reborn (not physically reborn) because God chooses to make it possible for people to be reconciled to Him via His Son, Jesus Christ. We are adopted…


Phil Mandsager
Phil Mandsager
Mar 25, 2021

This is in regards to your 2nd dream about the Fat Woman and the 1941 Bombing of London.

First of all the Fat Woman leading the group. Yes I think you interpreted correctly, the Church is way out of shape and not up for a fight.

Interesting thing I've noted too. There is a Black Israelite Hebrew Roots movement that seems to be growing. These people are very militant. They think they are the True Israelites and they are very racist. They like to dress in colorful outfits, sometimes velvet like you described. I think they are trying to look like the High Priest of Aaron. I think this growing movement along with BLM and Antifa could play a role…


Mar 22, 2021

I believe that the reason the west coast of the US all the way to Colorado is consistently receiving very little rain, is because China has been seeding clouds to create more rain in China since the mid 1990s, when the West Coast drought began! They are stopping storms in China, that would normally continue into the USA!

And the CCP does not care if they get so much rain China floods and their dams break. We underestimate the effectiveness of their cloud seeding programs, WEATHER WARS! The USA needs to wake up to the destructiveness of the Chinese CCP, WAR IS COMING and if it does not come it's because we have already LOST!


Mar 22, 2021

I was in unusual situation in life a few years ago, and I had created a new product that I could have continued to develop for manufacture. All my life I had believed in the back of my mind that my purpose was to manufacture some important products. But now with a successful design and already having a great deal of experience in the corporate world, I prayed to GOD that I did not want to have my own company unless I could hire nothing but Christians or people that would become Christians, so I wanted GOD's help to do that.

I received a reply from GOD!

He said I would not have my company until AFTER, "World War 3",…

Mar 25, 2021
Replying to

Ultra-lightweight electric motorcycle silent and very quick, could be charged with lightweight potable solar cells. In the hands of a clever soldier could be extremely menacing to invading armies.

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