The HOLY SPIRIT fell heavily upon me while watching a video of the REVIVAL that happened in St. Lewis Islands.** It is a story with multiple layers of significance, as it talks about the churches in the small towns that were basically dead and lukewarm. It also involves the President of the U.S., whose mother was apart of this great revival.
After listening to this video a couple of times, I knew that it was a confirmation of what the LORD had been showing me: HIS church has forsaken their first love towards HIM by walking in the flesh and not the Spirit. A good portion of the Church is now gasping for its last breath of life!
Here is what I've been shown:
While praying the first week of April, 2020, I saw the LORD JESUS sitting on the white stone. After receiving a message from HIM, I saw HIM from a distance and suddently there was something unexpected and odd. All around HIS feet and at the base of the white stone, on the ground were piles of BROWN, SHRIVELED UP, DEAD LEAVES. I then heard this very sobering interpretation from the LORD:
"The dead leaves represent the people who were once alive in ME, but shriveled up and died. They are no good to MY KINGDOM, but to put them under MY feet to be trampled upon. They were alive, but now are dead. They have fallen far from the BRANCH OF LIFE, and have not remained. I weep at their destruction, for they once were a part of ME."
Then on April 16th, 2020, I received this sobering message:
"Are MY people repenting yet? Is there a cry being lifted up to the heavens and the ALMIGHTY GOD for help? Or are most just continuing to be self-reliant and depended on man? (Jeremiah 17:5-6) Because of the weak response, I will continue to let the judgments fall. Where there no repentance the people will perish.
The heat will be turned up so people will fall on their knees and acknowledge the ALMIGHTY as CREATOR. For now, their stiff-necked ways and stubbornness still remains.
For those who are faithful, hold on to ME,, and I will help you navigate through these fiery tribulations."
On April 17th, while sleeping, I awoke and heard this:
I believe that means that, just like rolling power outages, so shall these judgments be.....they will hit different areas at different times.
Like NEVER before in our lifetimes has there been such a NEED and OPPORTUNITY to RISE UP and pray for another GREAT REVIVAL! It will come when HIS people are SO burden for the lost, lukewarm and back-slidden that they pray night and day.
If the LORD has given you this burden to see this LAST DAY REVIVAL, then please join me praying EVERY morning and EVERY night for this REVIVAL to come! Cry out to HIM from the heart and through repentance, and let us seek HIS POWER, HIS SPIRIT and HIS PRESENCE.
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons andyour daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy. " Acts 2:17-18
On April 20th, 2020, I heard:
As we see this SHAKING happening all around us, pray not only for mercy and repentance, but for the greatest GREAT AWAKENING that has ever been to bring in the GREAT HARVEST “
Let's remember that HE CAN raise up DEAD BONES TO LIFE......so PRAY FOR THE DEAD CHURCH TO BE REVIVED!!!
[picture credit: pixabay.com]
Thank you sister Elizabeth for sharing the words of God through His Holy Spirit. The signs of apostasy are all over man made churches of so-called christianity these days and have been for quite some time, and this is an abomination unto God in the same way that homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, abortion and murder are all abominations unto God.
God is showing us in your dream just how spiritually dead and apostate these so-called christians really are in regards to their lack of belief, faith and trust in the Truth and in their lack of repentance unto the Lord God Jesus Christ, as well as letting us know why Gods Judgments have to start in Gods House first.
God is…
Amen. I know this word is directly related to your post about the 10 plagues to come ("rolling judgements"). I think this virus will rear its ugly head even more after the economy reopens too soon. The CDC warned it may combine with the common flu this winter. These things will make this virus a rolling judgement. The economy might shut down again as it becomes clear reopening was a mistake. That would be another rolling judgement. Are we so greedy that we seek to reopen the economy for the sake of money? I think God will use the results of this to bring many back to Him. I pray many wake up before it's too late.