Received on February 28, 2019:
"The wars are birth-pangs that will only increase, for the world has become drunk with power. I will let them engage in their folly, as they play war-games with the earth.
Many will be caught in the crossfires and there will be many casualties. Pray for the innocents ones....that they get their lives right with ME, for many will be coming home soon.
The financial collapse is right around the corner. I hold it back so people, MY PEOPLE, can get themselves in position for what is coming. I have urged all to prepare, not just spiritually, but physically...... for soon there will be hunger lines and camps around the earth. Many thinK that they are safe from this storm, but they will be stripped of their wealth.
I will take care of MY own, but I ask you to do WHAT YOU CAN, and I will take care of the rest.
Learn to trust ME now in the small things, so when this HARD TEST comes, you will not stumble, but will have faith in ME to take care of you.
Many of you have been in the SCHOOL OF HARD-KNOCKS, so you will be prepared to handle what is coming. This is because you have been trained in he fires.
Hold fast what you have in ME. Treasure our times together. Keep yourselves pure and holY....... for no one will see the LORD without holiness.
Keep looking up during these times of darkness.
Don't wallow in the 'cesspool of the media,' but plant your eyes, your efforts, your time and your life in ME alone. Look to the LIGHT and not the darkness, My beloveds.
You are not here by chance, but for such a time as this,
Ponder these things,
Your Gracious King,
(I then asked, "Is there anything else, dear JESUS?")
"The storm will increase, but so shall my GRACE, STRENGTH AND DELIVERANCE"
"Remember that I AM COMING SOON!"
On May 9th, 2019, while praying, I asked the LORD,
"Is war coming soon?"
This is what I heard,
"Yes, MY child, war is coming. Prepare your heart and mind. This war will last only a short time, but will do much damage and lives will be lost.
Then a 'prince of peace' will come and bring 'temporary' peace to the world. He will pretend to be sent by GOD. This false messiah will do many signs and wonders in order to deceive the people....and most will be deceived, except a few who will see clearly the lies and will know the truth.
SOUND THE ALARM that these days are almost upon you.
Draw close to ME and I will draw close to you. Hide yourself under the shadow of MY WINGS. Stay in a place of PEACE with ME.
Though the storms are raging all around you, focus your attention on ME and you will not sink.
Your adoring Savior,
Thank you, Monique!
Here are some ideas how to get rid of the stuff in storage (I just went through this myself!)
--sell on ebay
--sell on Facebook Market Place
--sell on LET GO app
--hold a a garage sale
--donate to homeless shelters
--donate to Salvation Army
Blessings to you dear sister!!!
Elizabeth Marie
Dear Elizabeth:
I came to this website to close my account and couldn't find how to do that. While here, I decided that I did not want to do that. Honestly, I want to keep my account in here because the people are family, including you. Both my parents are dead and I don't talk to any other relatives. My ex-husbands are married. So, if it's okay with you, I would like to keep this account. Please don't be mad at me. Thank you.
And....I think we need to move somewhere very soon. Where is the best place to sell stuff that is in storage??