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PROPHTIC WARNING: WOE to those who Destroy the Earth // America // Full Armor Prayer!

Writer's picture: ElizabethElizabeth


"WOE to those who destroy MY earth, for they will be destroyed. They have come against the CREATOR, and MAKER of the earth....and they will pay the ultimate price...their souls, if they do not REPENT!

What they have done to others will now be done to them. What they have sowed, they will reap! They will answer to ME personally, and they will not stand, but will bow, and confess that I am LORD of LORD, and KINGS OF KINGS....not them!

Their souls have become black, and their conscience seared. There is no remorse...only hate, for they have succumbed to the devil, and his ways.

Their acts have been revealed, for I know all, and see all. They think they can hide from the ALMIGHTY GOD, but they have fooled themselves! They will be held accountable on JUDGMENT DAY! Their end will then be the LAKE OF FIRE with the father, satan." END OF MESSAGE

“The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come,
And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,
And those who fear Your name, small and great,
And should destroy those who destroy the earth.” Revelation 11:18


While praying, (February 2023), I received this message:

"MY people of America....they have become like MY people from long ago. Like Israel, they are stubborn, STIFF NECKED, and full of idolatry. They worship everything, and everyone, but ME!

I have sent WARNING after WARNING to awake them up to the truth, but they would not listen....for their hearts have become cold, and callous. They have moved so far away from TRUTH, that it is no longer recognizable to them. They have become blind, and cannot see. Therefore they are being lead astray by the hater of their souls, satan.

He is gaining victory over many who would be mine. However, though MY remnant numbers shrink, I have given those who remain, GREAT POWER to accomplish all that still needs to be done, in preparation for MY KINGDOM coming.

MY small army will be a force against the enemy, and she (the true church) will prevail. Like in the days of Elisha, who had great strength, and destroyed hundreds of false prophets, and performed shall it be again!

LITTLE FLOCK, do not be discouraged, for your time here is but a blink of an eye. Soon we will be together, and your suffering, and pain will be over!

It is important that you know what time it is on the CLOCK OF ETERNITY, so you can position yourself accordingly.

Now is the time to BATTLE IN THE SPIRIT, as the attacks come in like waves in the sea.

Put on the FULL ARMOR, and let ME be your DELIVERER and STRONG TOWER.

Run to ME for all things and I will be your helper




Your heavenly friend & SAVIOR,


"Now do not be stiff-necked, as your fathers were, but yield yourselves to the LORD; and enter His sanctuary, which He has sanctified forever, and serve the LORD your God, that the fierceness of His wrath may turn away from you." 2 Chronicles 30:8


Heavenly Father,

Your warrior prepares for battle!

Today, I claim VICTORY over the enemy, satan, by putting on the whole ARMOR OF GOD.

---I put on the GIRDLE OF TRUTH:

May I stand firm in the truth of YOUR WORD, so I will not be a victim of the enemy's lies!


May it guard my heart from evil, so I will remain pure, and HOLY....protected under the blood of JESUS CHRIST!

---I put on the SHOES OF PEACE:

May I stand firm in the GOOD NEWS of the that your peace will shine through me, and be a light to all I encounter!

---I take the SHIELD OF FAITH:

May I be ready for the enemy's fiery darts of doubt, denial, and deceit, so I will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.

---I put on the HELMET of SALVATION:

May I keep my mind focused on YOU, so the enemy will not have a STRONGHOLD over my mind and thoughts.

---I take up the SWORD of the SPIRIT:

May the two-edged sword of YOUR WORD be ready in my hands, so I can expose, and cut off all of satan's attacks against me.

---I take up the heavy artillery WEAPON OF PRAYER:

May I keep praying without ceasing, so that I am not overtaken or deceived.

---BY FAITH, your warrior has put on the whole ARMOR of GOD, and I am now prepared, and ready to live this day in SPIRITUAL VICTORY! Amen & Amen



[picture credit:]


1 Comment

Mar 04, 2023

The Lord has prompted me to share some insights about the "shield of faith." It is a shield that is all around us. It's not just a flat shield that we have to keep moving about in order to avoid the enemy's flaming arrows. But we do need to be sure that there aren't any holes in our shield of faith. Any area of our life where we do not yet fully trust God is an area where our faith is vulnerable. It is like having holes in our shield of faith. The holes in our shield allow some of the enemy's flaming arrows to hit their mark.

How does God point out the areas where we do not yet…

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