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Revelation 12 War

Updated: Aug 10, 2019

The message that I received was a call for HIS people to NOT GIVE UP., but to STAND UP for truth, righteousness and justice!

Don't be conditioned to believe that it is too late for the people of faith, and that we should surrender to what is coming! NO! Rise up against the demonic influences and wickedness that has come upon the land! There was war in heaven, now it is here on earth!! (Revelation 12:7;9;17)

"And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought"

"So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

"And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. "

Revelation 12:7; 9;17

We are called to be OVERCOMERS! We are called to fight the GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH!


“He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son." Revelation 21:7

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12


I received this message on July 12th, 2019:


Where are the Esthers? Where are the Mordecais? Esther fasted and prayed for her people. Mordecai stood up against Haman at the gates and would not bow or compromise. (Read the Book of Esther)
The 'spirit of Haman' is upon the land. It threatens to wipe away even the idea of GOD. My people need to STAND UP and be counted worthy of protecting MY NAME.
PRAY for the 'Hamans.' Pray for their plans to be thwarted and hindered. Their plots are strong and thick, like a wall of iron. However, with prayer all things are possible......and what seems impossible can come forth and smash the wall! (Matthew 19:26)
Let go of complacency, and actively pursue the engaging of godly and spiritual warfare. I call to all who will listen, and say to you, get off your sofas and get on bended knee! Cry out for justice, repentance, truth, and I will bring down fire from heaven to purify what once was unholy and putrid before MY nostrils.
Everything hinges on the prayers of MY saints! Through repentance, nations have been turned around. Do not give up hope and listen to lies that all is lost! As the enemy comes in like a flood, I come and raise up a standard against it, so it will not prosper.
Oh, MY children, I have not left or forsaken you, but I apply the pressure (trials) upon you, so you will return to ME with ALL OF YOUR HEARTS!
Cry out to ME on behalf of your nation, on behalf of your people with faith! Declare a fast and turn as many as you can back to ME.
Do not give up so easily! Strive to keep what you have and not let it be take from you so easily! Never surrender your faith or give the devil a foothold! Do not take the easy way out and give up! Cowards will not see the light of MY day that is coming. (Revelations 21:8) Stand strong and be like a bulwark in the middle of the flood!
Do not cower, do not faint. In your weakness, I will be strong, if you surrender to ME alone! (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Pray away the 'spirit of Haman' from the land! Push back the darkness with MY light, My children! This is your job for ME -- to bring light in the midst of darkness -- not putting it under a bushel! (Matthew 5:14-16)
As I wake up the people with judgments, I am raising them up to be MY army of witnesses! With judgment comes righteousness.
Get the message out:
I need MY Esthers and Mordecais to come forth now!






[picture credit: pixabay]

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Olesia Bažanova
Olesia Bažanova
Aug 07, 2019

i wanna ask the reflection . does HE can tell about me what i need to do when i am in that situation which he only knows and only he knows to what to do and i will know what he will meant because i will not tell here for good reasons and answer should be that way he only knows how to speak with me and answer should be for me and more , HE THE ONE THE ALMIGHTY FATHER ELOHIM ADONAI AND LORD YESHUA HAMASHIACH AND FATHERS HOLY GHOST ?


Olesia Bažanova
Olesia Bažanova
Aug 03, 2019

sir ,Almighty Father said no one knows when Lord Jesus comes only by Father.

please stop putting the dates because it is misleading people , Almighty Father Abba doesn't want that keep that in mind and heart for your own good.


Daniel Woon Hyuk Kim
Daniel Woon Hyuk Kim
Aug 03, 2019

This is the message of Esther and Mordecai. Jesus died on Wednesday and resurrected on Sunday in 30AD. (Matt 12:40)

High Sabbath = High Commandment = Sign of New Covenant= Only Law written by blood of Jesus= the date of 2nd Coming (Rev 6:17)

Jesus is building new Jerusalem for 3000 yrs ( John 2:19~21, Eph 1:23, 2peter 3:8, Matt 16:18)

No rain for 1260 days ( April 1, 2023 ~ Sep 11, 2026) Rev 11:3~6

Great Tribulation (Sep 22,2026 ~ Mar 4, 2030) Rev 11:2,13:5.

Second Coming on April 18th, 2030(Dan 2:28, 12:12,Amos 3:7)

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