
While staring at the almost empty produce section, the LORD reminded me of my vision from back in 2014. It was my very first 'food and water shortage' dream I had ever received. What I saw was a produce fruit stand with a few shelves. It was made of wood--like from a small grocery store. On the top shelf, there was a small plastic bag of apples ---the rest of the shelves were empty----much like what I saw at the grocery store yesterday! The LORD showed me that this vision was pointing to a disruption in the food supply and possible famine.
Since then, I have received countless confirmations through dreams/visions of food and water shortage/problems. I am never shown when or where. However, a few have taken place right in my home-town and the surrounding areas.
We know that in the last days, there will be famine, earthquakes, plagues and war.[1] These are the beginning of sorrows and the Great Tribulation. However, before this, and before the rapture, HIS remnant will go through some 'birth-pangs' as we wait for HIM. As HIS people, we are not called to GOD's wrath, but that doesn't mean we won't experience trials and tribulations. [2]
Could what happened at the grocery store yesterday be another sign from the LORD to continue to prepare? It does seem that HE is giving me this message over and over again lately. I just thought I would share this with you, so you can seek HIM for your own further confirmation!
[1] “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places." Matthew 24:7
[2] “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Joanna, regarding the 144,000, I am hoping that you could send me an email so that we could discuss this subject. (cathy.chidester@yahoo.com) The Lord has led me to this many times after some very unusual experiences I have had regarding this subject. One of which is the name I used for this website. My given name is Cathryn which means Pure/Innocent. Yahshua renamed me Arielle on 9/9/2017. It means "Lioness of God." I already know were this is leading to but I would love to be able to discuss it privately.
Dear Joanna, Regarding the sin of Gluttony, Lord never fails! I just joined a new church about a month ago and many of the members including the pastor and his wife are either obese or close to it. I prayed about it as it troubled my spirit deeply. I felt the love and the power of God as soon as I stepped foot in the church and I pray that the Lord will lead them out of bondage. HE has been speaking LOUDLY about sin, repentance, idol worship, false doctrine, false worship and paganism in the church. ENOUGH! For weeks now, HE kept leading me to Acts 17:30 and it also keeps showing up in the "words" of many …
If you scroll down to the 2017 list, it is very alarming. No doubt that there will be NO food animal or vegetable very soon! This website is very diligent and t here is a link to every article. You and I don't need proof but many are still on the fence and this might do it!
That list of animal deaths is so awful --- and that is just since 2018 --- whoa!
What HE shares with us is on a very small scale but the list is never ending!