“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and GREAT SIGNS FROM HEAVEN." Luke 21:11
On November 19, 2021, in the early morning, there will be a PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE. This kind of eclipse is also called a RED BLOOD MOON because the moon will move into Earth's shadow and take on a red coloration. This upcoming eclipse is NOT just an ordinary one......it is the LONGEST one seen in centuries!!!
NOT only is this partial eclipse one of the LONGEST, but the length of time is VERY SIGNIFICANT and HIGHLY PROPHETIC!!! It is to last for 3 and ½ hours. This is a VERY PROPHETIC NUMBER in the Bible, especially concerning that LAST-DAYS or END-TIMES.
We can see this number in both in the the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel:
Revelation 11:3 mentions that the two witnesses will be prophesying for "1,260 days," which is 3 ½ year.
Revelation 11:11 is where the two witnesses were killed but came back to life "3 ½ days" later.
Revelation 12:6 talks about the woman who flees from the dragon to the wilderness for "1,260 days"....3 ½ years.
Revelation 12:14 also mentions that the woman flees to the wilderness for time, times and half a time....which is also 3 ½ years.
Revelation 13:5 talks about the Beast who has authority for "FORTY TWO months"....3 ½ years.
Daniel 12:7 mentions the ‘man in linen’ (Jesus), who tells Daniel that all things at the end of days shall be finished in "time, times and half a time" (3 ½ years)
As you can see from the above verses, 3 ½ years is probably the most significant number in the END DAYS!
In Genesis 1: 14, we read that the LORD made the SUN and the MOON, not only to set apart the seasons, but to give us SIGNS from heaven above. I believe that is what we are seeing with this upcoming partial lunar eclipse isa SIGN POST that we are in the LAST DAYS!!
JESUS said that in the last days the sun would grow dark, and the moon would not give its light. (Matthew 24:29) In the Book of Joel, it says that there will be a RED MOON before the great and terrible DAY OF THE LORD. (Joel 2:31; Revelation 6:12) These are all references to ECLIPSES in the END DAYS!
It is also interesting to note that this eclipse will be seen only in NORTH AMERICA....
which could be a worrisome sign of something coming to North America. Many believe that lunar eclipses are a BAD OMEN or JUDGMENT.....which would not be too surprising considering the evil that has been unleashed.
Let those who have ears to hear and eyes to see pay heed to the LORD's SIGNS and WARNING!
"Seek the LORD while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near." Isaiah 55:6
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[picture credit: pixabay.com]
The article didn't say that North America would be the only country to see it. It said Eastern Australia, New Zealand and Japan would be able to see it as well. Did you read a different article that said America would be the only country to see it? This is what the article said that you linked: "The eclipse will be visible in many parts of the world, including North America, eastern Australia, New Zealand and Japan, according to EarthSky."
If correlate 3 1/2 to 3 1/2 half of "7 headed dragon" verse is Catholic Saint said "7 resurrection mansion worlds, 1st dark black, 2nd black, 3rd dark ( Purgatory ? ) 3 1/2 Light begins 'Pearly Gates' Saint Peter meets greets. 'Pestilences' seems Christian Prophecies fiction apocalypse zombie devour people, yet satan prophecy "I Tiamat Mummu ( = mummy = mother earth, Tiamat Hebrew 2 headed dragon ) will give power to dead to devour living" pestilences cv + more mark beast. Scroll "Whomsoever partakes not of word food of God, must devour own souls' is hell. Nurse Christians need therapy bipolar rapture "Long suffering" verses "Always rejoice"
I'd like to add I'm crying out for this govt to be taken down. I can handle any iron rod long as we can do His will therein. my work wants me sqabbed weekly and I need guidance and am begging Him to speak so I can obey
Hbeautiful, I hope this doesn't post too early. I managed to delete my errora. I was saying Hebrew letters explain the words so you can see deeper into how things work and it's fascinating, a live language. I was commenting on the moon by the sun all day now things to declare His majesty take shape giving us a red 3.5hr moon. I'm just in awe. I hope this makes more sense hoping nobody saw my unedited posts that jumped out before I was done. my